Feb-15-2005 21:15
I've had this idea before, but the recent exploits of TAKKDD have solidified my idea that it might actually be possible: The First Annual Sleuth Convention. Why not?
The ideal place would, of course, be the mecca of it all--Boulder, Colorado. But if Ben & Sunny don't want all the hoopla so close to home, anywhere else would be fine as well. We could plan it a few months out so that people have time to plan up & save for airfare, etc. Those who are interested can come and meet those they know (and don't know) from Sleuth.
Want even more fun? What if everyone dressed up like a character from Sleuth (your character, the butcher, the lady with the magnifying glass, Larry the Toe, etc)?
Would anyone besides me & Moonshh be interested? Or is this a totally lame idea?
Replies |
Feb-15-2005 22:42
Oh yes..so fun! If only we could use our game money to pay for the trip!
Silly Mick
Feb-15-2005 23:24
Well, if it's a REAL Sleuth convention, people should have to figure out where the convention will be on their own...
Feb-16-2005 04:38
Good idea Orbitrux. Many years ago I was in another online community, where there were many what we call GANza's small get togethers, that were arranged a few months ahead. Usually all people meeting up that knew each other well. Anually there was the ExtravaGANza. This was planned sometime in June yearly, almost a year i advance, where goal was to get a big as possible group together. For some reason June was a good time, with people in school, work, kids, cheap airline fare etc.
1. Several committees were created. Among which a planning committee in terms of places and dates. The date was set, strategically. Then voting took place with the community on location. Usually there were 3 choices.
2. Once location was picked. Another committee took care of the who is coming. Finding a good deal on a hotel, in which we all could be housed on a single floor, get a discount, and free conference group. Usually people picked their own roommates, for single travellers whom wanted to bunk with *someone* a list was kept. They took the reservations and arranged the hotel.
3. Another committee, did the planning. In terms times, and arrivals. And activities. Usually a lot of ideas came in for this. And even offers, for instance I was able to get on a special tour of the white house, which can only be arranged for family and friends of senators (lucky!) This group also created the information pack. Who is where, in what hotel room, at what time are we meeting up in the conference room up on arrival. Intro to the 4 day affair.
4. Another group took care of the yaya's, a little present for everybody. The T-shirts that people could order up front.
Because of the elaborate organization around this. Many people always came. Things ran efficiently. And most of all, provided a lasting memory. At the ExtravaGANza, I met many people whom I never PMd with. 8 years later, they are still very good friends....and now the reason for me to go to Atlanta.
Feb-16-2005 04:41
It is ironic, that the people I met at the ExtravaGANza in DC, I am now going to visit again in Atlanta. Yet now going to meet, new community, new people in DC again.
Many people met during the ExtravaGANza's. Many becoming long lasting friends, even after leaving the community. Also several marriages, and long term relationships came out of it.
It is something I will never forget.
Feb-16-2005 04:49
Keep in mind the big get togethers, were not organized, until a lot of small get togethers were organized. I think people were game to meet a lot of strangers, because there were also going to be people there that did meet each other before. At first, smaller groups met locally, people within a few hours of driving distance. Then it became people, that travelled longer distances to meet smaller groups. Eventually the big events were created, in part it was a reunion with people you met before, and in part people you were absolutely dying to meet, and in part new people that you never talked before and you totally hit it off with.
Hey, find out who is near you! And try to meet!
If there is more interest for people meeting, or knowing who is near their location. It may be an idea, to set up several threads for instance:
1) People on the East coast, 2) West coast, 3) Mid-West, 4) The south, 5) Canada, 6) foreigners.
Feb-16-2005 07:49
Why must I be 12? My mom would never let me go.
Feb-16-2005 08:57
I think it sounds like a wonderful idea!
Feb-16-2005 09:50
I love the Idea..
It would be nice to put faces and lives with all of slueth!
Alex Why can't I be 12???? :(
Old Shoe
Feb-16-2005 11:40
I'd come...if I can.
Feb-16-2005 12:27
I like your idea jstkdn, although USA is a bit far and expensive for me I guess. I do find your no 6 funny, LOL if u are not an american then you are in 6) foreigners ;)
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