Sleuth Home - Detective Silly Mick

Very Tough
7201 days
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Shady Character
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Police Detective Badge Tommy Gun Commando Beret White Zoot Jacket Brown Two Tones

Completed Missions

  • Packages Delivered: 2
  • Overdue Books Returned: 3
  • Nemeses Captured: 0
  • Secret Plans Revealed: 0
  • Artifacts Unearthed: 0
  • Journal Pages Found: 0
  • Brass Rings Won: 0

Detective Biography

A retired boxer, Silly Mick earned his name for his often successful tactic of baiting his opponents with lighthearted mocking. He retired from the ring after allegations arose that he had taken a dive at the behest of high-profile members of New York's La Cosa Nostra. The accusations seemed confirmed after Mick's retirement, when he accepted a job as a "debt collector" from Cosa Nostra.

While using his expertise to pry information and money from tight lips and tighter fists, Mick hit upon the idea that he could do the same thing on his own--without fearing incarceration--as a private investigator. Since he had always been loyal to the organization both as a boxer and later as a bruiser, Cosa Nostra gave him their blessing, provided he could find time every now and then to do them a favor.

Shortly after beginning his new career, Mick joined the "Just Around The Corner" private eye agency, and has worked for the group ever since.

As the agency broadened its horizons to foreign shores, Mick took the opportunity to become active in its London field office. Since the move, Mick has all but severed his old ties with Cosa Nostra. In fact, he has been seen a number of times with prominent members of The Green Hand, often sporting the signature commando beret of its members. No one knows how Mick found himself attracted to the Green Hand's cultish beliefs, though his skills as an intimidator would certainly find a good home there. Time will tell whether or not this relationship lasts, or if his old co-workers in New York will repay him for his disloyalty.


Order o Socrates:  Poor(-3)
Arcanum Brthrhd:  Poor(-3)
Cosa Nostra:  Fair(4)
Eastern Triads:  Poor(-3)
Circle of Light:  Poor(-1)
Green Hand:  Good(10)
The Tea Steepers:  Neutral(0)
Shangri La Tigers:  Neutral(0)


Waitress (New York)
Shoe Maker (New York)
Bartender (London)

Arch Villains

None Caught

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