Sleuth Home - Detective JojoDirector - Mojo Jojo Detective Agency
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Detective Biography
03/12/2007 - 1000 Days Old
Tailor (New York) Arch Villains
Baronness Sabina Scroggs
Doctor Silvanus Musgrave
Ritsika "the Weasel" Derringer
Jezebel "the Squeak" Grimm
Olaf "the Razor" Derringer
Captain Ivy Mahendra
Ritsika "Babyface" Frost
Medea "the Dragon" Dimitrijevic
Books Collected
The Mysterious Affair at Styles
Secret Adversary
The Hound of the Baskervilles
The Adventure of the Empty House
Martin Hewitt, Investigator
The Mystery of Marie Roget
The Circle of Fire
A History of Indian Philosophy