Self Services Avatars for Subscribers!
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner
Nov-7-2009 18:32
We've added a screen that allows you to upload a new image to use as your detective's avatar. The process will automatically make the image black and white and will scale/crop it to the correct size, but if you're not happy with the way the system resizes your image, you may want to crop it yourself so you have more control (100x78 pixels).
To upload an avatar image:
1) Go to your detective screen
2) Click on "Avatar" in the Account Settings section.
3) Select an image file from your own computer and click "Save"
Please try to keep the images in theme and appropriate. If we have problems with people uploading inappropriate images, we'll put in some kind of moderator approval process. Since this is limited to subscribers only, I'm hoping we won't need to do that.
Replies |
Nov-9-2009 12:40
This is Cheverisimo!!!!! :-)
Safety Officer
Nov-9-2009 14:41
wow that IS a demotion. Do I have to wear another silly hat?
Safety Officer
Nov-9-2009 14:58
lol I seriously can not change mine back! AWESOME! Giddyup Buttercup.
Safety Officer
Nov-9-2009 15:03
dang fixed it.
Safety Officer
Nov-9-2009 18:46
just a reminder, that despite my moment of silliness, that people should stick to using actual people as their avatars. Seen at least one cartoon. That'll probably come down.
Elizabeth March
Sleuth About Town
Nov-9-2009 22:23
Thanks for that change, folks! I looooove having my new avatar so quickly.
You guys are great!
Old Shoe
Nov-9-2009 23:31
Am I still getting swipes taken at me simply because we are all aware that I still check the board regularly, or is it because you assume that I don't check the board regularly?
Either way...
HEY!!! Can't we all just get along and stop picking on poor lil Jojo!?
Ms Helen
Con Artist
Nov-10-2009 04:13
Now where would be the fun in that Jojo? :)
Nov-10-2009 07:50
I believe we all decline to acquiesce to your request, Jojo. :-D
Joseph Zeo
Tale Spinner
Nov-10-2009 16:15
Wow, i didn't even know about this since i was so busy with RL. No wonder why I see so many new pretty faces lately. This is wooooooooonderful!! Thank you Ben!! and thank you for the years of hard work SS. No matter how you are ranked, you'd always be Sleuthville's favourite rodent.