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Sleuth Admin
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner

Feb-22-2004 20:32

I have a couple of questions I'd like some feedback on. Please Answer by replying to this post.

1) Is the game fun? Really fun, kind of fun, funner than going to the dentist?

2) Can you think of anything that would make the game more fun?

3) Is the game too hard? Too easy?



Doc Burgess
Doc Burgess

Sep-8-2006 07:42

It is good fun.
I have progressed now to really really hard and it is really really hard, but more fun than the easier levels as more complex.
I love the featured mysteries whenthere is a chance for dialogue.
Have only just seen the updates so am eager to play them.
Not sure what the character background is about? Does it make any difference to my play?

R Anstett
R Anstett

Sep-8-2006 11:35

Character background is there for flavor, it does not affect how the game mechanics work for your detective. The gender of your detective does influence how people react to you with certain skills.


Sep-8-2006 14:19

Doc, you'll see character backgrounds listed for those who chose to go with a "pre-made" package when starting their detective, whereas it's not listed for those who chose to create their detective from scratch themselves in terms of initial skills and archetype. But as Ran said character background is just there for flavour, and it's the archetype of your detective that determines how much you need "pay" for the various skills :)

Hamilton Drew
Hamilton Drew

Sep-9-2006 16:25

1) Is the game fun? Really fun, kind of fun, funner than going to the dentist?

Much funner than going to the dentist. I have been enjoying this game immensely, and just shouted rather loudly when I *finally* achieved something that seems to have taken me weeks and weeks! I love the mysteries, and wish there were more features mysteries, I enjoy the agency aspect and the community here, and I *love* the expansion. :)

2) Can you think of anything that would make the game more fun?

Any more twists and turns you can throw our way would be wonderful! Also any other ways of co-operating and competing with one another, since the community is such a good one.

3) Is the game too hard? Too easy?

It is challenging, so that means it must be about right. It goes through phases of being really really really difficult, but then you gain more skills and things become easier bit by bit, and by the time it's too easy then you can move up a level. I can' imagine AI mysteries ever being truly easy!

Miss Solvit
Miss Solvit

Sep-11-2006 13:55

1) This game is more than fun it's an addiction

2) More cases would be great, it get's frustrating when you need a favour but don't have enough cases.

3) it's got so many levels, if you find it to easy then go up a level.


Sep-17-2006 02:58

1. Absolutely fun, to the point of addicting.

2. More cases would be wonderful, and a shorter time to get your custom avatar *puppy dog eyes*

3. It's scaffolded nicely.

Spangebob 2
Spangebob 2

Oct-1-2006 02:33

Nice one game, like that :) bitter hard for me to play, cause I don't really understand everything... I'm from Lithuania :)

Mistress Epiphany
Mistress Epiphany

Nov-5-2006 14:42

1. I dare say that it is bloody good fun *said w/ a British accent*
2.I think we should be able to unchoose a skill after we've chose it...and get the skill points back of course.
And I would also like to suggest that when we're doing a favor for a townie they shouldn't be able to clam up when we ask them a question.I mean come on we are trying to help them solve a murder.
3.We should be able to get more FAs or Shady should have a set price no matter what your exp is.And skill points are way too hard to get after a certain point..Oh & suspects clam up to easily.

Mistress Epiphany
Mistress Epiphany

Nov-5-2006 20:22

And another thing...when a suspect has PE & WE against them but they clam on their alibi...they should not be able to actually have an alibi.That is so unfair,& is where most of my FAs & cases quit come from.

Safety Officer

Nov-20-2006 16:25

With everythng else going on Ben, thanks for the news about apartments :)

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