General Feedback
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner
Feb-22-2004 20:32
I have a couple of questions I'd like some feedback on. Please Answer by replying to this post.
1) Is the game fun? Really fun, kind of fun, funner than going to the dentist?
2) Can you think of anything that would make the game more fun?
3) Is the game too hard? Too easy?
Replies |
Jan-5-2008 17:32
1) Follow up - Something I belive would add tremendous fun would be to allow you Rent a room at the local hotel and this give you a room to store 1 item. (of couse this would have to
2) Follow up - As for the clamming of Townines and suspects - add an option to unclam them by either doing them a favour of some kind (charm) or rough them up (tough). Of course using these would incur a penelty like having to share part of you pay or lose of one of your items.
3) Follow up -A meter/gauge to tell you how many XP's till you get your next Skill Point.
Feb-3-2008 04:00
Oh yeah, I like the last one.
Miss D
Mar-10-2008 12:02
1) Definitely more fun than the dentist. Funner than other games I have played.
a) I like the limit on number of games. Keeps me from being obliterated by people who have more time to play than I do. (Especially since you do track high scores.)
b) I do think that Shady gets WAY too expensive to fast. Especially since it increases every time you VISIT him. Maybe you can at least change it so it only increases every time you PAY him! I have gone in a little short on money and then need to have an extra couple of grand when I come back. Ouch!
c) I would like some more information on how hard it is to earn Contacts somewhere. Just so I can figure out if I really do stink at that . . .
3) I think the game is pretty balanced as far as Easy/Hard so far. I am currently attempting AI and having to struggle. That's OK. I like the fact that every time I move up a level I'm struggling for awhile. Keeps things interesting!
David Adams
Mar-10-2008 12:51
Actually, Miss D, Shady's prices increase every time you solve a case, not every time you visit him. Sorry. We all have to deal with him, and yes, very few of us like him. Unfortunately, he's part of life here at Sleuth.
You earn contacts by doing favors. Favors should come after successfully completing every three cases. Once you've done this, look at the tab that the Townies have about 'Ask (this person) if they need a favor done', and it should tell you whether or not you have completed enough cases yet, and who is looking for you. Contacts come randomly, so be patient. There's lots of information on the boards about this, especially in the Newbies section, so you may want to look there, or do a search if you need more help.
Mar-16-2008 16:18
1) It's great, you don't see games like this that offer may different features.
2)I like it the way it is. Personaly I like doing different jobs that are included in law. Course that's not the spirit of the sleuth game!
3)I'm not very judge full, so I can't really say
Miss D
Mar-19-2008 21:45
Thanks for the info on Shady - now I get his pricing system. Although I still think that I am putting his 17 children through Yale!
I get the Favors, it's the contacts that are driving me nuts! Of course, after I posted this, I went to New York again and got a contact with my first favor.
Danny Vermin
Mar-20-2008 19:27
1) I think it is fun... Not Canel your date on friday fun, but fun
2) There are little things, like maybe more items, or a better system for getting contacts that I can think of, but generally, It seems to me that most Ideas worth a snuff get taken into account right away by admin, so I can not think of anything
3) I think without an agency the game is too hard, but it seems just right when you are in one.
Gopher to the Sleuth Gods
Apr-25-2008 07:08
I'd like to see a common trading center. It could also be used to pick up any prizes you've won in a contest. Its a huge hassel to have to resign from your agency and get invited to another and you have to make sure you can get invited back home again and then promoted. Just one center would be enough I'm sure no one would mind travelling in order to use it.
Gopher to the Sleuth Gods
Apr-25-2008 08:47
I totally agree with you Sophie. I have another avatar in another city to whom I would like to pass on some much needed items and a trading center would solve my problem.
Inspector Joseph
Jan-3-2009 13:25
1) I say this game is fun, fun and fun.
2) There is a writer's workshop where you can write featured mysteries. I was thinking of having featured villain hunts and featured multi-city treasure hunts. Is it possible?
3) I think it's way better than fine if you wait patiently to get skill points and then move to the next difficulty level.