Confess, ye sleuthy sinners!
Old Shoe
Nov-16-2006 00:47
Sooo...the mighty gumshoe board feels a bit slow today. *Bob the Builder voice* Can we fix it? Yes we can!
Got a skeleton pounding on your closet? A secret in the attic? A monkey (no, not precious Bobo...and not the raging back hair you try to pass off as a Bonobo backpack either) on your back?
Let it all out, boo.
K, I'll start with a few (true) examples.
When I was 16, I robbed the house belonging to to heir of a pickle dynasty.
I used to steal Volkswagen signs to be more like one of the Beastie Boys.
I have bought more than one kind of deodorant in the same day, on the advice of a friend.
I salivate a little whenever I walk by a hot dog vendor.
I totally car-megeddoned a pigeon last month.
Sometimes, I find Bob Sagat funny.
I'm Canadian and I really don't care about hockey.
Plus, I covet my neighbor's ox every day.
Replies |
Dec-4-2006 19:30
Heee heee... no biggie... I don't know what veggietales are...
brandy moore... i am sooo with you on Numb3rs... love the smart brother.. hee hee.
i also am addicted to the show Studio 60... funniest show!!
Brandy Moore
Dec-5-2006 18:53
Ah, yes, Charlie Eppes.....so smart in some ways and soooo clueless in others....luv him. ;)
Dec-6-2006 04:31
I love to watch sesme street because of elm I a a hug fan...
Emerald Drew
Old Shoe
Dec-6-2006 10:29
Bigs - Veggietales is a christian cartoon show (well, its a weird form of cartoons, but its definetely animation) in which the characters are vegetables. The main characters are Bob the tomato and Larry the cucumber. They have no arms or legs, so like Andrea said when they carry things, it just floats near them. The stories they tell are either stories about topics like compassion, friendship, etc. or bible stories such as the Veggietales Movie which was about Jonah and the Whale and incidentally had a really good soundtrack with a Newsboy song and a Relient K song. So yeah anyway, that's what Veggietales is!
Sara Lou
Dec-6-2006 12:14
I love Elmo from sesame street!! <3 <3 <3 <3
Reese Withers
Dec-6-2006 13:06
Even though I am a grown adult, I still love watching Christmas programs (Santa Claus is coming to town, Rudolph the red nosed reindeer,.etc)
I don't like the dark (pitch dark)
I will not watch scarey movies if I am by myself :) (and yes, I still watch the scarey parts between my fingers lol)
I am a good singer....I just refuse to sing in front of anyone because I have a bit of shyness.(just a TINY bit)..and I dont like being in front of a crowd.
Yes, I can dance...or atleast can find the beat of a song.
I believe in God
Chocolate makes me drool
Ok, thats it out of me hehe
I have no clue about Veggietales.
Old Shoe
Dec-7-2006 00:23
To me Veggietales sounds like an oxymoron. How does it have a tail if it's a veggie???
*not a shameful confession*: I'm glad to see Reese posting again , even f she won't sing, lol!
*totally a shameful confession* I'm 32 years old. I watched like 90% of current "America's Next Top Model. And I'm glad Melrose lost.
Safety Officer
Dec-7-2006 04:58
Don't forget Larry Boy Em! he is Larry the Cucumber's crime-fighting super-hero alter ego. He has super suction cup ears!! What more could you want. I bought a friend the Veggietales Nativity Set for Christmas :)
Dec-7-2006 08:26
aww. Crunchpatty you are in good company.. I watched the whole season of America's Next Top Model.. I too am glad Melrose didn't win.. was hoping on of the twins would win though.
I also watch The Biggest Loser!! Love that show.. Now if only i would use thier example and loose some of this weight.
Assistant Postman
Dec-9-2006 08:41
Larry Boy rocks.
I'm 24 and addicted to Harry Potter. Which seems almost sad cause it's a children's book. But not as sad as my 26 yr old husband, who is a "MAN'S MAN" being addicted to it as well. :P
I'm terrified of the dark. I have a nightlight.
I like spinach.
I love trashy romance novels, I own about 300.
I've been known to occasionaly read slash fanfiction.
I've written fanfiction. About Harry Potter.