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Confess, ye sleuthy sinners!
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Old Shoe

Nov-16-2006 00:47

Sooo...the mighty gumshoe board feels a bit slow today. *Bob the Builder voice* Can we fix it? Yes we can!

Got a skeleton pounding on your closet? A secret in the attic? A monkey (no, not precious Bobo...and not the raging back hair you try to pass off as a Bonobo backpack either) on your back?

Let it all out, boo.

K, I'll start with a few (true) examples.

When I was 16, I robbed the house belonging to to heir of a pickle dynasty.

I used to steal Volkswagen signs to be more like one of the Beastie Boys.

I have bought more than one kind of deodorant in the same day, on the advice of a friend.

I salivate a little whenever I walk by a hot dog vendor.

I totally car-megeddoned a pigeon last month.

Sometimes, I find Bob Sagat funny.

I'm Canadian and I really don't care about hockey.

Plus, I covet my neighbor's ox every day.



Old Shoe

Nov-25-2006 03:00

Right now, I am what I seldom is...I 'have sooo many mistakes in my typing, but I am trying to correct them.... It is hard for a reason that I'm not used to...When i awake after going to sleep, I will know why I seldom do what I 'm doing. I'm not doing it now but I did it tonight. I doubt I will do it again, atleast not any time soon.

Cordelia Falco
Cordelia Falco
Battered Shoe

Nov-25-2006 07:00

Is it a riddle? Does it involve margharitas?

I leave socks in strange places around the house.
I know all the words to 'Joseph and his Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat'

Christina Williamson
Christina Williamson

Nov-25-2006 09:13

Cordelia Falco is not the only one that knows all the words to 'Joseph and his Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat.' I played a kid in the the local theater producton and I had to sit through the whole thing over and over and over again.

Also I am from Alabama but I don't have an accsent.
I am not a good speller.

Old Shoe

Nov-25-2006 11:54

Ugh, thanks for the memory-jog you two...when I was 7, I was jealous I didn't get the lead in my school's production of 'Little Orphan Annie'.

Yeah, it's a hard-knock life...

Kathryn Gumshoe the 7th
Kathryn Gumshoe the 7th
Battered Shoe

Nov-25-2006 12:27

I like black and white movies better than color ones (ooOOOHHHHH, creepy)

Sometimes I skip out on homework to watch movies

I know the Brady Bunch theme song in its entirety (even scarier)

Maria South
Maria South

Nov-25-2006 16:45

-I am eleven and still watch PBS kids.
-I am about to go to a sleepover and shoud be writing an oral report.
-I cried at the end of the movie 'Pay It Forward'.
-I spy on other people and taks notes about them.
-I love school and reading and once got grounded from reading.

I AM WEIRD!!!!!!!!!!!!!AND PROUD OF IT!!!!!!!!!!(Whoops, bad grammer right there)

Assistant Postman

Nov-25-2006 16:46

I married the guy who asked me out at the drive thru speaker at Taco Bell when I worked there.

I like the Backstreet Boys

I detest certain family members.

I actually like watching America's Funniest Video Re-runs with Bob Saget

I've peed in the woods.

Lucky Stiff

Nov-25-2006 18:01

LOL to all of these, and Mama thats probably the best how I met my hubby story ever!

Crunch this ones for you: I was in drama in junior high, and sucked so bad I was in the "chorus" section of everything. We once redid a modern day retelling of Goldilocks and the Three Bears, and the Baby Bear got the chicken pox, so I got my big debut :) (yes I was awful, yes I tripped once going out on stage, and yes, there is an incriminating video floating around somewhere)


Nov-25-2006 18:15

I once split the crotch of my jeans hopping onto a stage while someone was singing karaoke. Didn't clear the lip of the stage, slammed hard on my knee, skipped the CD, and generally looked like a boob in the process.

Yes folks, the rock star life is harder than it looks.

Old Shoe

Nov-26-2006 01:58

It's very funny when friends fall down :) I know this because I once found the presence of mind to twist in midair and grab the nearby diving board, resulting in a very long 8 seconds of awkward bouncing up and down, after fase starting in a high school swim meet.

Yeah...judging by the laughter, I had a lot of friends in the audience that if the powder-blue speedo wasn't humiliating enough!

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