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quarterly round townie deletion
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mary glass
mary glass

Sep-16-2006 10:24

there is a great variance between the older players and agencies
and those who came along later...a gap that perhaps is too hard
to close...might i suggest quarterly rounds where the townies are
deleted for all...the older players would still have the advantage of
money, experience points, general knowledge of the game but the
quarterly deletion of townies ( all players having to reacquire the
townie favors every 90 days ) would make the game more competitive among all players and add some challenge every 90
days for the older players...


Al Z
Al Z

Sep-16-2006 21:20

I think I mentioned on a different thread that players sometimes post bad ideas and then don't like swallowing the "I had a bad idea" pill when they are rebuffed. Hehe. Mary, you are free to post any idea you like on the boards. If people don't like them, why be offended? This happens to all of us from time to time.

However, most of YOUR posts were not only hostile but insulting. You talked down to the entire community in much of your postings here.

Frankly, Ben is a tremendous game designer. I myself have been actively involved in creating multiple games that are for sale in the general consumer eye. I would love to see your game design credits that qualifies you to determine that there is a flaw in the structure of the game.

I don't see a flaw in the design based on people acquiring 8 contacts, 1 PE one "Gossip" type in each city where that particular factor should be consistently randomized.

That would not create any type of parity in the game environment whatsoever, based on the game mechanics. I am speaking from experience as an actual game designer who has been hired and paid by multiple companies, and who has been fascinated by Sleuth and breaking it down from an experienced professional's standpoint.

Before you go off on talking down to the community when your idea is not immediately embraced by posting things like We don't agree with some historical event revolution trying to compare that to your game mechanics change idea, I just would like to know...are you qualified to know more about actual game design mechanics then the other people you are talking down to?

Have you broken the game down piece by piece to see if Ben's design really has a flaw in it that you are able to fix? Do you have the skill qualifications to do that?

Do you?

Makensie Brewer
Makensie Brewer
Super Steeper

Sep-16-2006 23:22

I've already spoke my opinion, and I dont think it was in a hostile way, but in an honest way.

I dont think losing contacts, would make it more creative. The game is wonderfully creative, and challenging right now.

I will say one more thing...when I first started this game, it was totally fun trying to gain all the contacts. ( i need only one more). I worked hard for them contacts, and to have them taken way!

When I was new, I didnt want things just handed to me...and that is exactly what it seems like this idea is suggesting. "Oh I dont want to put in the work and time, to gain a contact...lets do something different, to make it easier for me"..etc etc etc.......well, if the older ones had to put in the work and time to get where we are now, then so should the new ones. No hand outs, just because they are too lazy to want to work for it. Thats the fun part of it...earning where we are at right now.

I dont feel anyone has been hostile toward you. Including me...sorry you feel that way. Its ok to post ideas, but be able to accept it, when not everyone is embracing the idea..especially the oldies, who did put in work and time. We've been where you are....and you will eventually have them contacts. So enjoy the work and challenge of receiving them :)

Sleuth is a superb game, and NOTHING like any game out there! Its why I keep coming back, and will remain a Sleuther :)

Lady of Shadows

Sep-17-2006 11:42

Not creative enough? We have pirates and everything!

Mary, I understand that you feel that the game is unbalanced for those detectives just starting out. For a new detective, it probably seems like such an uphill battle when there are so many experienced detectives running around!

The reality is that we've worked hard to provide challenges for detectives of all levels. Players build up their detectives with skills and contacts along the way to face the challenges that come with each progressive level. I don't really think that resetting the contacts would really improve the game. There is already so much chance built into the game that contacts are a helpful constant. They also provide interesting recruiting dynamics for agencies.

Don’t feel bad that your idea is not very popular with the Sleuthfolk. It’s been a while since someone has posted such an intriguing idea that people are crawling out of the woodwork to post about it all in the time span of a day! I think that since you are such a forward thinking player now, you will be a very valuable part of Sleuth as a senior detective. Please keep posting and sharing your ideas and don’t let the bigger guys push you around. They really aren't as bad as they seem :).


Sep-17-2006 19:35

YIKES!!! I definitely do not like this idea. I worked for months to get my contacts to coordinate with my agencys contacts. I mean months. I quit over 200 cases to do this. The idea that all my hard work disappears, well, that is frightening.

While I can see why some would say the older detectives have an advantage, we also have disadvantages. We gained skill points different when we started. Also, equipment wasn't as varied when we started, so gathering equipment was harder. I believe that each new "generation" to Sleuth will have their own advantages and disadvantages, and that is part of the lure. When I first started, I couldn't wait to see my name slowly climb towards the top on the high score lists. I believe working for my certain contacts allowed me to progress, and helped create my love of the game.


Sep-17-2006 20:33

Implementing this suggestion would not "level the playing field" between new players/agencies and old/big agencies, I think. The big/old agencies have the success that they do because their players have dedicated months (and years) of time and effort to developing their agencies and contacts. The ability to have a big/old/successful agency is open to anyone who has the time, effort, and desire to make it so.


Sep-18-2006 03:27

Oh for f***** sake! Is this ridiculous debate not over yet!

Trelane Rahl
Trelane Rahl

Sep-18-2006 04:13

As for me I have to say no way to have everyone lose contacts would be a slap in the face to those who agonized over their contacts. I won't even talk about myself because my situation wasn't the worse of it, though mine gave it a voice, but there's Kidgame who didn't get his second contact until around 400K before there was Almost Impossible cases and other cities, it would be a slap to the face to those who gave support to those who struggled through their contact situation be it through doing evidence checks for them when they dead ended on their cases, or giving up their own cases so they would get more opportunities to get favors.


Sep-18-2006 07:39

and dont forget this: every big agency was small once. Every no 1 was at the bottom once and they might get there again.
My agency had 10 detectives then 1 then 3 then 10 then... and now 6...
It was no 1 for ages then dropped out of the list then climbed slowly up back.
Also big agencies stragle sometimes when players leave or stop playing. Loosing their contacts wouldnt help balance it more.


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Safety Officer

Sep-19-2006 20:43

If people feel the need to continue with this conversation, can we focus on the subject, and not on the author. And just coz I don't want to give piccolo a bad wrap, what she said wasn't rude or offensive, just unhelpful to the topic at hand.

Squirrel, out.

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