names you encounter = strange
Old Shoe
Jan-19-2006 00:47
ummm k. i really hope this is the place to talk about anything related to SLEUTH, like the sign said, cuz this is pretty random.
anyhow -with all due respect to the maker's efforts to maintain the feeling of the time period being reproduced- it strikes me as funny that in the 8 or so weeks that i've been playing this game, i have NEVER encountered ANYONE named either john or mary
and yet on the other hand I am routinely interrogating people named like Girish Yelverton.
*goes back in time to the roaring twenties and prevents and angry hood wearing mob from harrassing the union of a south asian lass with a very WASPy-type gentleman*
hee hee go periodicy.
Replies |
Carl Kershaw
Old Shoe
Mar-21-2006 08:54
It's dyslexia setting in when you have cases with Bing, Jing, Qing, Ting and throw in a Yue-Yue and Yue-You, not forgetting Nu Shu, Xu Shu etc..
And then after spending loads of time being extra careful with the names you find the guilty person is normally Warrick or Susannah :)
Mar-29-2006 01:53
I don't know if this counts or not, but I ran into a suspect today whose parents obviously had a sick sense of humor. I had the pleasure today of crossing paths with...
Martin Martin.
Apr-2-2006 17:42
Its sarngte taht its so esay to udresnatnd tihs ins't it?
Apr-2-2006 22:45
the only time i had a big problem with names was once in shanghai i had an aunt and a cousin with exactly the same name, that was confusing
Isabel S. Abbott
Apr-5-2006 16:54
No, what I find odd, is the weird motives... like, the best friend of the victim utterly despises them? What's up with that?
Old Shoe
Apr-6-2006 00:40
LMAO Serges, I had a run-in with the ill-named Martin Martin too! I was all "oh snap, I gotta remember this for the weird names thread". Lol, I actually have an aunt whose name is Paula Paul (best argument ever for not taking your husbands name, ladies).
I will personally mail one chocolate-chip cookie (complete with certificate of authenticity) to the first person who has a suspect named John or Mary.
In other weird names news, I had a case with a Ruby, a Pearl, and an Amenthyst as suspects. That's when I quit sleuthing and opened a jewelery store.
Charlie Cain
Apr-6-2006 10:46
I too just ran into the infamous Martin Martin in London while working a case that he turned out to be guilty on. So if anyone runs into him again that means he broke out of jail. So call the cops or something cause he is dangerous.....
Horace Locke
Apr-11-2006 19:06
I'm Indian and Girish is very odd to me. I'm used to names like Nimish Mehta and Laliben Shah.
Horace Locke
Apr-11-2006 19:11
"I will personally mail one chocolate-chip cookie (complete with certificate of authenticity) to the first person who has a suspect named John or Mary."
Safety Officer
Apr-11-2006 21:22
I'm sure I had Shen Fai as a suspect- the name of Barber contact in Shanghai - the other night. I had to ask Shen Fai if this is Shen Fai's hair... ok... and not only that but witness Shen Fai had my avatar! How likely is it that I'll find the lover of the victim is not only my long lost twin brother [mind you 'go you old rascal', coz I'm quite ancient as you can see], but that he also shares the name of my mate the Barber. Now that's weird!