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judge o' character/success rate weirdness
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Old Shoe

Apr-18-2006 01:39

no audience, 'judge o' character' is not some irish guy with a gavel and a robe.

What I'm wondering is this (by wondering, I mean its making me nuts..yay subtlety gene):

how is it possible that in the same case you can try to interrogate witness/suspect A successfully when the judge of character skill has reported that the chance of success is 59, while trying the same trick on witness/suspect B can fail even though the chance of success is higher?

Don't get me normally works. But in those instances when it doesn't, I'm all 'what the hell?'

Comments? Suggestions? Bueller? Bueller?


Safety Officer

Apr-19-2006 19:30

maybe he adjusts the numbers based on how many times you use "*" in a post... damn you're in a fix jojo! ;)

Della Devine
Della Devine

Apr-19-2006 19:46

I've actually gotten answers from one townie that I had a 59% chance with and another one clammed on 73% (same case) And then the one that clammed on 113% really gave my head a dent.

*Shakes head and wanders off with Crunch to find that Victims of Randomness meeting*

Old Shoe

Apr-19-2006 20:07

*laughs at Secret Squirrel*

Well, what can I say? I like my asteriks.

R Anstett
R Anstett

Apr-19-2006 20:25

at least it is Jojo's *

Old Shoe

Apr-19-2006 23:32

aah, cool, thanks Ben...I had actually wondered about whether there was a relationship between the margin of success and the number of subsequent questions answered, but then I sort of though I was maybe a l'il bit insane for wondering that.

Ugh, my crazy is acting up again. I bet it's based on something really remote, like the calculated liklihood that a thread you start will have more than 9 responses...

*uses asterisks just to be on the safe side*
*whistles X-files theme music*
*types allworkandnoplaymakesjackadullboy a few times*

The randomness meeting now features foil hats and free asterisks.

(okay yup that's it...I've gone nuts :-P)

Della Devine
Della Devine

Apr-20-2006 00:03

*Puts asterics on foil hat and finds a seat*

Will Black
Will Black

Apr-20-2006 16:02

Hey, Crunchpatty, are you OCD? I know I am....

Will Black
Will Black

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Old Shoe

Apr-20-2006 16:15

Betcha the "secret adjustment" has to do with how many Rasputin's Eggs you have in your equipment locker.... :p

Safety Officer

Apr-20-2006 18:39

Well then I'm hopin that's a good adjustment Ara! ;)

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