Favors Difficulty
Aug-23-2005 14:29
What are the factors that the difficulty of the favors are based to?
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Aug-23-2005 16:41
You mean if you get an easy, hard etc favour case?
It depends on your experience, if I remember correctly. There are no favours higher then incredibly hard, no matter how much experience you have.
Old Shoe
Aug-23-2005 18:06
Was it experience? Or was it based on how many favors you had correctly solved?
I can't remember.
Aug-23-2005 18:55
Its not experience for sure! I have people in my agency with more experience than me... and they have lower difficulty favors!
Anyone know?
Aug-23-2005 19:02
I once thought it was on exp. too, but..again, somewhere in time...there was a big discussion on this, and it was determined that your favor levels increase with the number of favors you successfully solve. However, no one seems to know exactly what the magic numbers are....
Luniar Arkain
Aug-23-2005 20:41
I thought it was number of favors solved because my friend hardly ever does favors (right now, they're Intermediate) and has a decent amount of experience.
Aug-24-2005 02:55
I remember that on jstkdn my first detective the amount of time to get to incredibly hard favours took longer. Then on my last detective that I build better. I have really no clue.
As it not something you can really influence, I am not sure if it is relevant to really know when you hit the next level of favour. I suppose you'll see it when it happens...
Aug-27-2005 12:15
If itīs of help (and sorry about my grammar, Iīm Spanish), this is my first day. I have succesfully solved 3 cases, and my relation with La Cosa Nostra is +2 (and -2 with the Order). The 3 cases were Beginners. I am of Very Smart personality. And I am doing a favor (for the Shoe Repairer) and itīs Intermediate Difficulty! Is there a minimum difficulty for favors?
Aug-27-2005 12:35
As an additional comment, I have just solved it (only one suspect with heavy body, it was quite lucky). 4 skill points and a black coat as reward, yay!! :P
Aug-27-2005 12:55
ahh the days when you got 4 skill points for a case. If i get 4 skill points a week I'm thrilled.
The favor thing is kind of a pain to be honest. I can't do treasure hunts for my agency now because my favor level is at incredibly hard and i can only solve cases at the really really hard level. I tried the incred. hard level and i could barely do anything. So now I am Ms. Frustrated with Favors
Aug-27-2005 13:08
Yawmy, the minimum favor level is intermed, the max is Incred.