The Resistance: Round Yeti
Yeti Face
Pinball Amateur
Sep-8-2014 10:51
After a period of absence, THE RESISTANCE has returned to the Sleuth boards with a healthy Yeti-flavoured taste.
For those unfamiliar, The Resistance is a social game of limited information. Players are split into two teams, one team being true members of the resistance, and the other being spies who have infiltrated the group. Over a course of five missions, resistance members aim to have three missions succeed, whereas spies aim to sabotage three of them. The only way for players to communicate with each other will be through this thread.
I'll post a detailed set of rules once the sign up process is over, but to give you an idea of how the game goes the first The Resistance thread on the Sleuth boards is here: http://noir.playsleuth.com/map/cityhall/post.spy?id=34582&first_record=302111
We'll need five to ten players in order to start the game. I'd like to keep this game flowing, so before putting your name down please make sure that to the best of your knowledge you'll be able to log in at least once a day for the next two weeks. You will not receive financial payment for playing THE RESISTANCE.
Sign up today!
Replies |
Sep-26-2014 03:49
Devi, Soheir, Turtle and Lou climbed aboard the ship that would take them back to Cairo. From there on, they were to cross Europe and head for the Baltic Sea to locate the damn ship where the scum of the Earth was holed up.
The detective had not been surprised about the identities of the spies in their group, although she was mighty disappointed with Sal, whom she even partnered with during a competition.
As soon as the ship set sail, the detectives gathered round a table inside the ballroom and toasted a glass in honor of their victory. While there was still more to do, the best part of their journey had been completed.
"To the Resistance!" they toasted loudly, raising quite a few eyebrows from the other travelers.
Gopher to the Sleuth Gods
Sep-26-2014 06:14
Thank you Yeti for setting this up. I appreciate the time and effort you put into it and I would vote it a success.
To the Resistance I say thank you. Your RP was well put together and very entertaining.
As for our infamous two spies, I hope you’ve learned your lesson. Never go against the Resistance if you don't want to end up behind bars.
Vive la Résistance:-D
Lou Hoyle
Sep-26-2014 08:15
I echo all the above sentimients, thank you all so much for playing, It was a lot of fun.
Sal Iva
Little Monster
Sep-26-2014 08:52
Yeti, great job. A fun game. I think I have a better understanding of things and anxiously await the next round. Good work on the part of the Resistence and my fellow spy Mac. Just a thought, I would think that a "resistence" and spies would both be anti-establishment figues. How they became antagonists has me wondering a bit.
Yeti Face
Pinball Amateur
Sep-26-2014 09:37
You're all very welcome for my setting up the game, thank you all for playing it. It was wonderful to have something going on here. :)
I suppose one would expect a "resistance" to naturally be anti-establishment, but would spies not normally be thought of as part of the establishment? This particular game twisted things around in that the spies were actually the anti-establishment ones, whereas the resistance were trying to maintain the current establishment.
Sep-26-2014 11:01
Thank you Yeti! Lovely game and lots of fun. Shall we do it again? :D
Soheir Hassan
Sleuth About Town
Sep-26-2014 11:02
This was great fun!!! :D Thanks Yeti. :))
Yeti Face
Pinball Amateur
Sep-26-2014 11:04
Any of you are welcome to set up another game if you'd like. I personally don't want to run another one quite yet, but I am open to the idea of doing it again in a few weeks.
Yeti Face
Pinball Amateur
Sep-26-2014 11:08
I am also open to the idea of an immediate bar chat.
Mac Kerrell
Sep-29-2014 18:24
Heh, now I know how arch villains feel when you close in on them clue by clue!