The Resistance: Round Yeti
Yeti Face
Pinball Amateur
Sep-8-2014 10:51
After a period of absence, THE RESISTANCE has returned to the Sleuth boards with a healthy Yeti-flavoured taste.
For those unfamiliar, The Resistance is a social game of limited information. Players are split into two teams, one team being true members of the resistance, and the other being spies who have infiltrated the group. Over a course of five missions, resistance members aim to have three missions succeed, whereas spies aim to sabotage three of them. The only way for players to communicate with each other will be through this thread.
I'll post a detailed set of rules once the sign up process is over, but to give you an idea of how the game goes the first The Resistance thread on the Sleuth boards is here: http://noir.playsleuth.com/map/cityhall/post.spy?id=34582&first_record=302111
We'll need five to ten players in order to start the game. I'd like to keep this game flowing, so before putting your name down please make sure that to the best of your knowledge you'll be able to log in at least once a day for the next two weeks. You will not receive financial payment for playing THE RESISTANCE.
Sign up today!
Replies |
Soheir Hassan
Sleuth About Town
Sep-10-2014 11:56
Gonna read over the thread again to get a clear picture of the game - but count me in. :)
Sep-10-2014 12:14
Sure Yeti. Count me in :)
Yeti Face
Pinball Amateur
Sep-10-2014 12:28
Glad to have you both on board. :) Lou Hoyle has also put his name forward, so that brings us to three players.
Gopher to the Sleuth Gods
Sep-10-2014 16:47
I'm not to sure how this works but I'll look over the info . Sounds interesting so put me down as maybe depending on if I can make heads or tails of the game.
Sep-10-2014 23:03
I think we're all going to learn as we go, Turtle :D
Yeti Face
Pinball Amateur
Sep-11-2014 02:39
That's the best way to do it I think. I'll be posting up a set of the rules I've designed for comprehensiveness once the player list is together, but for things to really make sense I do believe one has to play.
Sep-11-2014 02:41
Maybe it would be best to post the rules now, Yeti. If people actually understand how the game works, they may be more tempted to sign up for it.
Yeti Face
Pinball Amateur
Sep-11-2014 03:08
I hadn't thought that my lifeless set of rules could do as much justice to understanding the game as reading part of the original Resistance thread I'd linked to, however there is merit to what you say and merit to a set of rules being accessible on the first page.
The Rules:
Absolutely ALL communication about the game, except directly with me, must take place in the note's comment stream. Even the spies are not allowed to communicate with one another privately. I'll message you all with your allegiance when the game begins. Spies will know who the other spies are, but true resistance members will be completely in the dark.
This is an example list of players. The actual one will be randomised when a complete roster has been assembled. The player list is important as it determines the order of play. Play starts from the top and then goes down.
1) Lou Hoyle
2) Soheir Hassan
3) DevilishWings
4) Turtledove
Over the course of the game five missions will be presented, each requiring a different number of players to be selected to go on them. The player whose turn it is based on the player list selects this team. Once the line up has been chosen, everyone gets to make a YES/NO vote (including the one who proposed it) for whether or not the mission will go ahead.
For example, it's the first mission, and Lou Hoyle is first on the player list. Two players need to be involved. So let's say Lou Hoyle proposes a team of himself and turtledove. All players must then messages me privately to tell me whether they want this vote to pass or fail. Once I've received all the votes privately, I'll post them directly to the thread like this:
Lou Hoyle NO
Soheir Hassan YES
DevilishWings NO
turtledove YES
YES: 3
NO: 2
Yeti Face
Pinball Amateur
Sep-11-2014 03:08
In this case there's three YES votes, so the mission will be going ahead. If there'd been a majority of NO votes then the vote would have failed and it would be up to Soheir Hassan to propose a new mission line up, and then should Soheir Hassan's proposal fail then it'd be DevilishWings' turn and so on. If all five players propose a team, and all five proposals are rejected, the spies win automatically.
Once a mission has gone ahead those on the mission (so in the case of our example mission, Lou Hoyle and turtledove) must message me privately again to declare whether they'd like the mission to be a SUCCESS, or whether they'd rather SABOTAGE it. Only spies have the option of voting SABOTAGE. Resistance members must vote SUCCESS. Only one SABOTAGE vote is required for the mission to fail. When all votes are in they'll be presented anonymously like so:
So in our example we can deduce that both Lou Hoyle and turtledove have voted for the mission to be a SUCCESS, and thus it has been. Soheir Hassan must then propose another team line up for the second mission.
For the resistance to win, they must succeed at three missions. Likewise, for the spies to win they must sabotage three missions. I'll post a table of the number of players required for each mission when we know how many people will be playing.
The first player to make a team proposal for a mission will receive one or more special powers to distribute - so over the course of five missions there'll be five power distributions. One such special power might be OVERHEARD CONVERSATION, which will allow whoever receives it to immediately learn the allegiance of the player above or below them on the player list via private message from me. If the player's team proposal is rejected, the next proposer does not get to reassign the special power, once it's been assigned it's assigned. Powers can not be traded between players, and only one power can be held at a time.
Finally, if anyone takes over 48 hours to take their turn, other players will be allowed to call time
Yeti Face
Pinball Amateur
Sep-11-2014 07:35
Sal Iva has also agreed to play, so we have now reached the minimum of five players. I'm going to hold off starting the game for another day, possibly two, so that anyone else who wants to has the chance to join. We can take a maximum of ten players.