The Resistance: Round Yeti
Yeti Face
Pinball Amateur
Sep-8-2014 10:51
After a period of absence, THE RESISTANCE has returned to the Sleuth boards with a healthy Yeti-flavoured taste.
For those unfamiliar, The Resistance is a social game of limited information. Players are split into two teams, one team being true members of the resistance, and the other being spies who have infiltrated the group. Over a course of five missions, resistance members aim to have three missions succeed, whereas spies aim to sabotage three of them. The only way for players to communicate with each other will be through this thread.
I'll post a detailed set of rules once the sign up process is over, but to give you an idea of how the game goes the first The Resistance thread on the Sleuth boards is here: http://noir.playsleuth.com/map/cityhall/post.spy?id=34582&first_record=302111
We'll need five to ten players in order to start the game. I'd like to keep this game flowing, so before putting your name down please make sure that to the best of your knowledge you'll be able to log in at least once a day for the next two weeks. You will not receive financial payment for playing THE RESISTANCE.
Sign up today!
Replies |
Gopher to the Sleuth Gods
Sep-16-2014 11:38
Thanks Devi although one might say that in his haste to get away he literally slammed into it and knocked himself out. Now, were I part of the Resistance and they not knowing what really happened, one could say that I did a terrific job, where as if I was a spy then I made a huge mistake in not letting Severus “Switchblade” Scroggs get away and I’m in deep trouble.
As for the team proposed by Devi I must admit that it has me a little leery. If one believes their posts, Lou’s and Mac’s allegiance lies with the Resistance but I say they are lying to throw suspicion away from themselves. They are spies and having them both on the same mission will be a fiasco. This being said leaves me with one option as to my vote.
Vote sent.
Sep-16-2014 11:49
Be that as it may, everyone needs to have a turn. I'm more for the approach of innocent until proven guilty.
Then again, you could be a spy yourself and voted for the success of the mission since there was no way in hiding in such a small group. Curiouser and curiouser
Lou Hoyle
Sep-16-2014 12:08
Vote Sent.
Lou Hoyle
Sep-16-2014 12:15
Devi thanks for the vote of confidience, we will get Sir Wolf, and make it 2 wins for the Right side. TD no harm in being leary, I'm sure your caution has served you well and saved your life many times. I've heard it said that there are old Detectives and there are bold Detectives but there are very few OLD & BOLD Detectives and we all know you are one of the best, your record speaks for itself.
Soheir Hassan
Sleuth About Town
Sep-16-2014 14:46
Vote sent.
Yeti Face
Pinball Amateur
Sep-16-2014 14:57
Devi has proposed a team of Soheir, Mac Kerrel, and Lou Hoyle. Please message me with your YES/NO votes.
As two teams in a row now have been proposed without the mission proposer on them, I just want to make it clear that you can put yourself on your own team proposals.
Sep-16-2014 21:54
I knew that, but I had just been in a round. If you want people to play this, you have to let them play, lol.
Soheir Hassan
Sleuth About Town
Sep-16-2014 22:40
At the expense of possible defeat?! Pah, what the hey, I'm gonna be overconfident and say let the spies take a round. ;D
Sep-16-2014 22:57
At the very least we'll know exactly who they are. Or sort'of.
Sal Iva
Little Monster
Sep-17-2014 06:40
Vote cast.