More than two subs in same agency....
Safety Officer
Jun-17-2012 17:57
Everything old is new again... or maybe not.
And let me start with a preemptive "Puh-lease, freedom of speech and all that aside, let's not turn this in to a debacle."
So, 'some' people have been getting up my a... err I mean politely pointing out to me, that the whole "some people have more than two subs in the same agency, and isn't that against the 'rules'" is banging away behind the scenes.
I've asked Ben to look at this with a view to scrapping the concept that more than two subs in the same agency is a 'bad' thing.
To be bluntly honest it's never been particularly well policed unless it was by self-policed by certain players who were trying to edge out the competition in Treasure Hunts.
My personal opinion is that the 'againsts' never really equalled the 'fors', and that we're at the point where as a community the TH scene just isn't that cutthroat any more.
So, I'm more than happy to go with the flow, as I suspect no-one really minds anymore.
But I'll leave the final word to Ben, of course.
Please feel free to discuss politely.
Please limit your lunatic ravings to a minimum nic :D
Replies |
Super Steeper
Jun-20-2012 21:20
"wow the 5 years hasn't been kind to you flaps. "
*stuffs acorns in SS's cheeks and runs away*
Super Steeper
Jun-20-2012 21:21
Beef Flaps, I like your look -- it's very special (the glasses make it)
:D :D
Battered Shoe
Jun-20-2012 22:11
Interesting Avatar Flaps. At least indicates a very personal style!
Could we conclude from your excellent weekly score that...
a) You really missed the game as 5 years is a loong time (lol at least for human standards)
b)Your vote is that no limit should be placed on the number of subs?
Lucky Stiff
Jun-21-2012 04:32
His excellent weekly score is the result of the poor guy working tirelessly to get smrt a barber contact. She's a b***h.
Hawkeye Harris
Battered Shoe
Jun-21-2012 09:24
I know that back in 2008 Ben stated "No single person should control more than two detectives in an agency if that agency competes in Treasure Hunts" in a thread debating this.
So as I have understood it over the years, as long as the agency did not compete in TH's the point was moot.
IMO, controlling/playing 3+ detectives via subscribing and controlling/playing 3+ detectives via pw sharing are the same, in substance. PW sharing has always been allowed, and I think to try and rein in on that now would be problematic, in many ways.
I agree with SS's original post, which to my eye suggests that the 2 detective rule be retired - the decision being Ben's, of course. As an aside, it's nice to see this community on the rebound :)
Just my 2 Sleuth cents
Beef Flaps
Lucky Stiff
Jun-21-2012 14:10
Personally I don't care if someone has as many subs as they want to pay for. I just know that the agency I am with, we only have 2 subs involved. I'd rather not have more than that in the group I am with because it is more enjoyable to be playing with other living and breathing friends.
Unless this site is going to control IP addresses, it is near impossible to control what people are going to do in an agency. Instead of worrying about what others are doing, just go out and have fun. Right now, this game is fun again, which is why so many of us are slowly trickling back.
And my insanely high weekly score is the result of unselfish members of SMRT giving up their own cases for me. Unfortunately my new stylish look wasn't persuasive enough.
Safety Officer
Jun-21-2012 20:14
pplease see Ben's post in game announcements: