Safety Officer
Jun-17-2012 17:57
Everything old is new again... or maybe not.
And let me start with a preemptive "Puh-lease, freedom of speech and all that aside, let's not turn this in to a debacle."
So, 'some' people have been getting up my a... err I mean politely pointing out to me, that the whole "some people have more than two subs in the same agency, and isn't that against the 'rules'" is banging away behind the scenes.
I've asked Ben to look at this with a view to scrapping the concept that more than two subs in the same agency is a 'bad' thing.
To be bluntly honest it's never been particularly well policed unless it was by self-policed by certain players who were trying to edge out the competition in Treasure Hunts.
My personal opinion is that the 'againsts' never really equalled the 'fors', and that we're at the point where as a community the TH scene just isn't that cutthroat any more.
So, I'm more than happy to go with the flow, as I suspect no-one really minds anymore.
But I'll leave the final word to Ben, of course.
Please feel free to discuss politely.
Please limit your lunatic ravings to a minimum nic :D