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More than two subs in same agency....
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Safety Officer

Jun-17-2012 17:57

Everything old is new again... or maybe not.

And let me start with a preemptive "Puh-lease, freedom of speech and all that aside, let's not turn this in to a debacle."

So, 'some' people have been getting up my a... err I mean politely pointing out to me, that the whole "some people have more than two subs in the same agency, and isn't that against the 'rules'" is banging away behind the scenes.

I've asked Ben to look at this with a view to scrapping the concept that more than two subs in the same agency is a 'bad' thing.

To be bluntly honest it's never been particularly well policed unless it was by self-policed by certain players who were trying to edge out the competition in Treasure Hunts.

My personal opinion is that the 'againsts' never really equalled the 'fors', and that we're at the point where as a community the TH scene just isn't that cutthroat any more.

So, I'm more than happy to go with the flow, as I suspect no-one really minds anymore.

But I'll leave the final word to Ben, of course.

Please feel free to discuss politely.

Please limit your lunatic ravings to a minimum nic :D


Ms Helen
Ms Helen
Con Artist

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Drew Harris
Drew Harris
Sleuth About Town

Jun-20-2012 13:59

Where is crunchpatty when you need him? :P

Battered Shoe

Jun-20-2012 14:02

I was thinking about playing the role of crunchpatty for this episode, but I'll refrain and keep up my positive demeanor I have been exhibiting on the message boards since I came back :-)

Lucky Stiff

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Con Artist

Jun-20-2012 18:56

hey 6 pages! thats like a record....right? :)

Beef Flaps
Beef Flaps
Lucky Stiff

Jun-20-2012 19:40

Something to think about as old faces slowly return to the game, myself included after 5 years away. Although it may not be as competitive as it once was, something that is a little disheartening is when you wander back into your old agency and you see the high scores of agencies and individuals who are no longer subscribed or active. Is it possible to maybe consider creating an archive/inactive vs subscribed/active high score list.

It may be one way that old faces, and even the new ones feel a little competition and fire again when they play.

I know it is a little off topic from the "more than two subs in the same agency". Part of why that may still be occurring is due to the fact that there are less people playing now than in the past. Personally I prefer a warm body actually taking part in an agency than one that is filled to the brim with subs. Whatever. That's just me. It's more compelling and satisfying, and hell it is much more fun kicking Al Q's butts with my living breathing team.

Beef Flaps
Beef Flaps
Lucky Stiff

Jun-20-2012 19:42

Just to follow up on what I previously wrote. By clearing the boards and moving old high scores and inactive agency/detectives to an archive high score board, starts everyone with a clean slate. New competition. New incentives to be active again.

Jesse Hunter
Jesse Hunter
Santa's Little Helper

Jun-20-2012 20:45

Special K has my favorite point so far. A small # of players having control of multiple sleuths in the same agency is sort of the norm. Some do it through multiple subs, others through password sharing. Either way, the effect is essentially the same, so whichever way this goes - allowed or disallowed - needs to apply to both scenarios.

As for my 2 cents. The only aspect where multiple sleuths is really an issue is the Treasure Hunts. I support and encourage multiple accounts in all other scenarios whole-heartedly. Want 4 sleuths all to yourself so you can have all 4 PE contacts and never be stumped on evidence ? Knock yourself out. Want 12 or 24 or 36 because you love the game and have enough time to play? Thanks for your support. I don't even blink an eye at multiples in the same agency. However, a single player (or perhaps two) able to log off and on to manage favors and trade cases among all agents of a fully staffed agency will have the advantage in a TH (if not always the win, luck DOES play a part). It's simply faster and more efficient sleuthing.

Is it such an advantage as to be unfair?

Like many others, I find that I no longer care as much. I used to TH and had a great time. Then real life got involved and agents fell away. With fewer agents it got harder to compete against those with subs and password sharing. I suppose we COULD have picked up some doubles or used shared passwords of our own. Maybe we did, hell, I don't know. I just know it stopped being fun. It seemed that everyone who was THing was "cheating" somehow, depending on who you asked and how they read guidelines that weren't official and couldn't be enforced anyway.

I'm fine with a 2 sleuth limit per agency. In my opinion it makes THing suck less. But because the honor system just doesn't cut it, if there's no way to completely enforce it then let it go.

Jesse Hunter
Jesse Hunter
Santa's Little Helper

Jun-20-2012 20:58

The only way I, with my puny interwebs knowings, can think of to enforce a limit is limiting logins by IP address or physical address. But since I support multiple accounts in all cases except possibly THing, the game would have to consider whether those logins are for members of the same agency with said agency actually being engaged in THing. Seems complicated (but so do digital watches - tech guru I AM NOT).

Hmm... but even then ppl with access to multiple computers and/or access points could still skirt the limit. After all, in a largely anonymous environment there are always people who believe that "If it's possible, it's legal."

To hell with it. Let it go.

Safety Officer

Jun-20-2012 21:04

wow the 5 years hasn't been kind to you flaps.

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