Your favourite SM? Or bits thereof...
Story Teller
Dec-10-2009 15:51
Do you Play 'em or do you Read 'em? Have you even tried 'em?
Are they just vehicles to another stat on your page? Do you just play them to say you have? Or are they something you look forward to seeing released?
What's your FAVOURITE Scripted (Featured) Mystery? Why?
Replies |
Elizabeth Christie
Tireless Tiger
Dec-17-2009 09:04
After just playing it, I have to give my vote for best SM to Executor's End. While I really enjoyed a lot of the other SMs, most were very clear about who committed the crime at the end so it was less of a mystery and more of a story. Executor's End didn't give it to me, I actually had to figure it out! I've only played 20 of the SMs so there may be more like this, but I would love to see more true mystery SMs that really make you think. Great job Heim!!
Safety Officer
Dec-17-2009 17:02
I've been having a think myself recently and I certainly haven't played all of the old SM's, but am pretty up to scratch Doomsayers onwards.
There is an old SM by Michael Bagen / John Hale called 'The Ultimate Obsession', and I'm pretty sure it was the first one I ever played after Doomsayers. I don't remember much about it apart from that it was set in Shanghai, but DO remember liking it and getting interested in the SM's more through reading it.
It's not necessarily my favourite, but a far as old school goes, it's one of the better ones.
There are bits and piece sof SM's that I remember from time to time, ShadowChi's catch cry 'Werewolves' in her intro to Cry 'Wolf'... 'Werewolf'! made me laugh when I read it, and still makes me laugh.
:D I have a personal fondness and respect for all of Rosamund Clifford's SM's. Not only 'cause I've edited them all (and co-wrote one), but 'cause I find it amazing someone whose language isn't primarily English can think and write in it to the extent she does.
And I wish Anikka would get off her ass and finish her Songbird Trilogy (yes it's meant to be a Trilogy) :)
Heimlich VonVictor
Dec-24-2009 12:22
Having played all of them, I have to say that Joseph Zeo's mysteries are highly ranked among my favorites.
They offer cultural insight and perspectives that I had no knowledge of before, and I thoroughly enjoyed playing them.
Red Queen sticks out in my mind as a favorite, along with the Doomsayers trilogy. They were challenging and genuinely made me interested in the concept of Scripted Mysteries.
More recently, I played Diamonds and Pebbles and absolutely loved it.
This is why I wanted to start an SM book club, have everyone play one mystery, and then come up with a consensus to be read by one of the members on the radio.
Violet Parr
Dec-25-2009 06:07
Out of the ones I played, I'll have to say Murder on Sleuthetania by far.
Ms Helen
Con Artist
Dec-27-2009 10:33
I was never a big player of SM's to be honest. I remember when I first started playing Noir I tried a scripted mystery and just couldn't get the hang of it which sort of put me off. More recently because I read the SMs that get submitted I see who the killer is so the fun is somewhat taken from the mystery for me hehe.
Don't get me wrong I read every SM that gets submitted to be edited and there are a lot of great ones out there and I can completly understand why people love to play them.
Diamonds and Pebbles sticks out most in my mind. I remember Squirrel asking me to look it over and when I played it I loved it straight away. It's very well written, interesting, intriguing and has a nasty little twist in it if you aren't paying attention :)
M. Lacrimosa
Dec-28-2009 20:03
I'd have to say, I liked the Doomsayer series.
Diamonds and Pebbles wasn't bad either. I'd also have to go along with Heimlich by saying that I like Jospeh Zeo's mystery in Shanghi. All were challenging and I do like Heimlich's mystery even though I have yet to solve it, for I keep getting the wrong person every time.