Looking for Ideas
Heigh Leigh Irregulars
Jun-14-2009 13:30
Everyone has suggestions for new things they would like to see in Sleuth. Well, this is a thread for those ideas. Just post a one or two line synopsis of your concept(s), with a small additional informational blurb if two lines is not enough to capture it. Discussions regarding specific ideas will take place in a separate thread, to keep this one running smoothly. Please do not include complaints, critiques, or other discussion on this thread, for purposes of flow. Anything that is not specifically done for the purpose of outlining an idea will be deleted.
All ideas will be considered; even if no discussion thread for them is immediately started, don't lose heart. Ready, get set, post!
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Elizabeth Christie
Tireless Tiger
Oct-12-2009 16:00
I don't think this has been mentioned before, but I apologize if it has. It would be nice to have the suspects crossed out after you check them against a PE, like it does in Shades. It could either be in the case file somewhere or when you go to that PE townie, either they could be marked out or just not available. I'll admit it, sometimes I space out and forget who I just checked. *blushes*
Pinball Amateur
Oct-15-2009 03:20
Yousef, your idea has been batted around before. Biggest reason why it's never been used, far as I know, is the risk of people abusing agencies for hunting purposes in general. If you wanted to modify your idea to have the secondary agency ineligible for ANY kind of hunting, it might go over better. (I.E.--The secondary agency would be used as a training agency for new agents, etc., that need help from more experienced ones in a local city.)
The one thing I'm not entirely sure what you'd do to get around is the current 48-hour limit on Agency switching (for those who don't know, you cannot enter the same agency more than once anytime within a 48-hour period). Any thoughts on that one??
Elizabeth, currently, there are several 'helpers' out there that can assist you if you have problems keeping track of what's been tracked where. (I do NOT recommend using any of them until you have a basic understanding of how to solve a case, but they are out there.) And, as the old timers can tell you, before there were the helpers, there were (and are) paper and pencil. Those can help you keep track of your progress.
The reason why I mention this is, unlike Shades, the servers for Noir are much smaller and cannot handle a great deal of extra stuff. Some would also argue that your suggestion would take away from the complexity of solving a case (not me, but they're out there ;-). So I'm not sure how well your idea will go over. Sorry.
Just a thought or two. ;-)
Cowlick Chance
Oct-15-2009 16:46
Sometimes, when I'm either furiously trying to get a contact or a favor for a map piece I long to know what happened to the kitten, or the mongoose, or whatever it is in Shanghai and London. I wonder about that little girl whose now heir to a fortune from her aunt or uncle who were caring on numerous affairs, had a loan broker, an opium addiction, and kept forgetting everyone's birthday. (probably secondary to the opium addiction.)
All and all, I want justice and I want to take the Mongoose down! Additionally what will happen to the young heiress? Will we see her down the line in some opium den?
Jesse Hunter
Santa's Little Helper
Oct-18-2009 16:22
It would be great if any cases in progress when the Sleuthetania docks went into temporary storage (temporary for the sake of server space - say 24 hours). That way if you wanted to jump right back on the boat you could pick up where you left off.
(I finally got a favor with my contact but lost it in progress when the boat docked)
Charlie Cain
Oct-20-2009 12:12
I dont know if this has been brought up or not. didnt look. I know there are AV hunts going on constantly. And Im not even sure this idea is possible really. But I know Sherlock had Moriarty as a nemisis or arch enemy. I think it would be totally cool and fun if a detective could get a arch enemy. make it exclusive too like you need this much exp. and you must be subscribed. And let the prize be huge something you cant get anywhere else if you capture your AE. sounds fun.
Violet Parr
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Gopher to the Sleuth Gods
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