Looking for Ideas
Heigh Leigh Irregulars
Jun-14-2009 13:30
Everyone has suggestions for new things they would like to see in Sleuth. Well, this is a thread for those ideas. Just post a one or two line synopsis of your concept(s), with a small additional informational blurb if two lines is not enough to capture it. Discussions regarding specific ideas will take place in a separate thread, to keep this one running smoothly. Please do not include complaints, critiques, or other discussion on this thread, for purposes of flow. Anything that is not specifically done for the purpose of outlining an idea will be deleted.
All ideas will be considered; even if no discussion thread for them is immediately started, don't lose heart. Ready, get set, post!
Replies |
Jan-20-2011 16:27
Suggestion for recovering a lost agency. I have felt myself, and believe also other have experienced the great loss when an agency you have been in, and worked in for a long time suddenly get lost due to lack of payment or other reasons.
There was a suggestion from Ben, that such an agency could be recovered in a certain way. Now, we DO want this way of recovering to not be too easy, but it would be great if it was possible.
This is my thought about requirements that might be fitting:
In order to be allowed to recover an agency, you need to have been the director of that agency, or you may have had the officer position, if (all) the director(s) is inactive when the agency closes it's doors.
It's left to developers to decide if you need to start the recovering process by visiting the housing organizers.
What you need though, are a "letter of cooperation" from each of the factions that are in the lost agency base city.
In order to get a "letter of cooperation" from a faction, you will need to have a positive standing with them, so that you are allowed inside, and then, you will have to capture an Arch Villain, but, rather than doing the final catch the ordinary way, you visit the faction, and tell them about "who is the co-conspirator" in the last city. You have to tell this, by visiting the faction in the right city, and you will of course not get a reward from the prince to "deliver" that kind of information to a faction rather than to the Prince's people.
The faction will welcome the deal, and give you a "letter of cooperation" that will go in your list of missions as something like this: "You have recieved a letter of cooperation from the Order of Socrates in New York"
When you have collected enough "letter of cooperation"'s you will visit the "housing organizers" (again), and you will be able to exchange the letters and an additional fee of 10x the amount to rent the "previous current agency housing" with the recovering of your agency.
Jan-20-2011 16:39
The above are the rough idea I have about agency recovering.
I do believe that the required amount of development, if the actual recovering of an agency is possible, and not too difficult, is a task that isn't too hard.
Also, if the idea is accepted, as I am not really a story teller, someone will have to do some more with the creation of a story and explanations around this.
It will be expensive to recover an agency, but I think that is what would make it acceptable to the community to introduce the option. It will take you catching 3 Arch Villains without getting a reward, and one could also set the fee to 1 million $, regardless of agency size - if that is better or simpler to do.
What I do hope, are that with theese costs to recover an agency, the time slot for being allowed to do an agency recovering will be infinite, as I believe only those who really want to, will pay the price.
I believe introducing of a way to recover an agency, is like introduce a way for people to not have their bonds or roots to Sleuth cut off, by some kind of accident. I think we as a community can't afford loosing people from Sleuth together with agencies.
Thomas Veil
Jan-21-2011 14:25
The birth of two new cities : one from Australia,and one from South America.This way there will exist towns from all the continents in sleuth.
One of these cities can have a special feature called “The Wizard”.When we visit him,he can tell us two important details about the case.For example : “The killer is a male and has a curly hair”.Also,since this feature can be very helpful,it will have to cost double then bribing a townie.
Idea number two :
So far we have two central special features in sleuth : U.S.S Sleuthetania and the city of Shangri La.How about a trip to Antarctica?.
Jan-22-2011 02:48
Don't know if it's a good thing or not, but how about an idea to implement music on your "detective" page? A kinda "welcome to my page" - thing. Don't know if it's already suggested, but just coming up with it ^_^
Jan-22-2011 07:32
If this hasn't been said yet, I suggest that when we ask suspects on "Have you seen anything suspicious about this person?" or when we ask a physical evidence townie on "Whose footprint, hair, handwriting or thread do you think this is", wrong guesses are automatically removed from the list of choices the next time we ask the same question. This is to avoid accidentally clicking on a choice that has been guessed before.
Thomas Veil
May-13-2011 03:36
What we need are the next things :
- Increasing the number of pictures at the beginning by 5 times.This way new players can have a vast number of choices when it comes to building their character.Also,I’ve saw some old pictures from 2006 or so witch are really interesting.
- The ability of Directors to demote other Directors after a curtain period of time (this idea has bin accomplished recently).But I think we can do better.If there are no active Directors at all,then the first Officer can be automatically promoted as Director after a month.If there are no Officers,then the first agent will be promoted.And if there are no agents,the first rookie.
- Changing the way we receive sleuth mails.The way they appear today,it seems like a bomb is about to explode each time we get a new message.Perhaps,we can copy the procedure from shades of mystery,except for the blue color.
- The ability to edit the posts and replies we write.There are a lot of forums nowadays will allow this access to normal members,without any special rank or so.Also,there may be some of us who may want to change the initial text of a thread.
- When a reply is being erased,it says “This reply has bin deleted by a Moderator”,and it puts that specific person in a bad position.As an innovation,that reply can totally disappear,leaving everyone happy.
That’s it for now.If I get more ideas in time,I shell write them down.
Sir William Weine
Lucky Stiff
Jun-15-2011 14:29
Why has this been taken off Sticky Post status? I (and presumably others) still have some ideas (an idea).
I've thought of a small thing to liven things up just a little bit. I don't see any reason for the Shanghai stage manager to be a stage manager. Couldn't she have a link to the RP stage? I don't think it would be too difficult, and it would certainly save RPers in Shanghai taking the City Hall-Message Boards-RP Stage route, and fit perfectly with Stage Manager.
Demon of the Due Date
Dec-29-2012 20:46
I think Ben needs to make an app so we can play on smartphones!
Lady Jas
The Chosen One
Dec-29-2012 20:55
YES!!! I second that!!!
Tome Raider
Dec-30-2012 11:54
I still claim royalties if an app is made ;-)
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