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Looking for Ideas
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Heigh Leigh Irregulars
Heigh Leigh Irregulars

Jun-14-2009 13:30

Everyone has suggestions for new things they would like to see in Sleuth. Well, this is a thread for those ideas. Just post a one or two line synopsis of your concept(s), with a small additional informational blurb if two lines is not enough to capture it. Discussions regarding specific ideas will take place in a separate thread, to keep this one running smoothly. Please do not include complaints, critiques, or other discussion on this thread, for purposes of flow. Anything that is not specifically done for the purpose of outlining an idea will be deleted.

All ideas will be considered; even if no discussion thread for them is immediately started, don't lose heart. Ready, get set, post!


Demon of the Due Date

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Lolita Marinez
Lolita Marinez
Sleuth About Town

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Con Artist

Jun-15-2009 05:39

I am dreaming of a fifth room apartment. :D

Con Artist

Jun-15-2009 05:50

Oh, and I hope I won't get a 'keep dreaming' response. :D

Another things are: check boxes for the sleuth mail (SS original idea) and names of the owners of the equipments in the locker room (Ctown original idea).

Old Shoe

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Gopher to the Sleuth Gods

Jun-15-2009 08:15

I think all the above ideas are great, especially Sleuth Sindy's :)

Perhaps the possibility of having a second apt in another city.

Having an AVH which includes Cairo. I think this was mentionned before on another thread but I forget by whom.

Being able to store items directly to your apt instead of your agency locker when doing favors or hunts or when choosing the Prince's presents.

Ms Helen
Ms Helen
Con Artist

Jun-15-2009 08:17

I echo the check boxes idea. I've left my inbox alone in the hope of one day having them. I shudder at the thought of having to go through them one by one lol.

I would also like to see a pony added for Squirrel just so he might shut up about bloody ponies :D

Safety Officer

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Old Shoe

Jun-16-2009 10:01

Checkboxes for apartment lockers (just like agency lockers) please.

Margo Channing
Margo Channing

Jun-16-2009 13:16

A skill to check PE if you have that contact without having to click on all the names.

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