Looking for Ideas
Heigh Leigh Irregulars
Jun-14-2009 13:30
Everyone has suggestions for new things they would like to see in Sleuth. Well, this is a thread for those ideas. Just post a one or two line synopsis of your concept(s), with a small additional informational blurb if two lines is not enough to capture it. Discussions regarding specific ideas will take place in a separate thread, to keep this one running smoothly. Please do not include complaints, critiques, or other discussion on this thread, for purposes of flow. Anything that is not specifically done for the purpose of outlining an idea will be deleted.
All ideas will be considered; even if no discussion thread for them is immediately started, don't lose heart. Ready, get set, post!
Replies |
Ghazanfar Ismaeel
Jun-16-2009 14:26
Some Orient/Polar/Sleuth or any other Express Train from London to Delhi and from Delhi to London. The idea is same as for Sleuthetania.
Don't know much about that luxurious ship either but a train like that would be also nice.
Abdur Rahman Ahmad
Jun-16-2009 14:33
New Factions in Cairo! Maybe new cities like Paris, Berlin and Tokyo with their own factions!
Inspector Yousuf Ahmad
Jun-16-2009 14:39
How about if agency members or friends can take items from your apartment if if you allow them to do so.
Jun-16-2009 14:43
On noting Turtledove's accomplishement I think that we should have little extra rewards for villian hunters when they hit certain mile stones. (Like first at 5 then 25 then 50...et cetera.)
Also I would also like to see an additional type of villian hunt, ("Super Villain Hunts"?), That included Cairo and perhaps doing a favor for a townie once the villain skips the city to determine what city you need next. (They are super villians after all.) And to make it so you couldn't just guess at the last one only 4 of the 5 cities would be included, at random.
Heigh Leigh Irregulars
Jun-16-2009 16:36
There are some fantastic ideas here. Some of them echo ideas that are already being considered, and some of them are completely new. To show how proactive we are being, now would be a good time to provide feedback on the suggestions already put forward on this thread.
1) A secret #3 - There could aready be a secret #3 out there, and nobody has found it yet. Who knows?
2) Making Hostage Negotiation useful in the caves - The problem with doing this is that it negates the point of picking Trap Detection in the first place. Being able to get through some traps and not getting pirated would always be preferable to being able to get through all the traps. That being said, there is an idea being discussed to provide more usefulness for each skill, evening them out somewhat.
3) A suitcase to travel with - While this would make sense, it would take away too much challenge from the game. Extra equipment can be accessed away from the home city of your agency if you have an apartment in the new city, else you should be left on your own. Besides, it's hard to conduct surveillance if you have to carry a suitcase around with you everywhere.
4) A cabin on Sleuthetania - Cabins are an idea that may be considered when possible expansion of the Sleuthetania is looked at, though it wouldn't be a place to store cases.
5) Buy roundtrip tickets on the Sleuthetania - This is something that will certainly be considered.
6) A postal service for cases - Being able to pass these back to the agency while you are out of town doesn't work. How exactly can you accept a case in New York when you are in Delhi?
7) Bribable townies - Except for the odd case where you receive 4 pieces of evidence requiring the help of a particular townsperson, there are more than enough resources available to complete cases with relative ease. Adding this facility trivializes the difficulty of cases.
Heigh Leigh Irregulars
Jun-16-2009 16:36
8) 5th Apartment room - This is possible. Do you have cash to spare though?
9) Checkboxes for Sleuth Mail - This has been discussed and should hopefully soon be included.
10) Owner labels for agency equipment lockers - Apartments can store equipment that only you can access, which is the best place to keep things away from thieving fingers. Failing that, the agency message board is a good place to have something like this, where each person lists what equipment belongs to them.
Any ideas listed after the last one will be looked at shortly.
Con Artist
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Lt. Theo Kojak
Jun-17-2009 05:38
How about an uber skill or piece of equipment with a one time use that you purcahse with skill points? You could reserve it for players who already have all of the other skills.
When you are a charming female in London that pestulent Postal Clerk, Samantha Brown, can clam up on the very first question.
miss guided
Jun-17-2009 14:19
Could you please please change the colour of the subscription page. It is very difficult to read, (yellow on white), and even with glasses I have trouble seeing it, and I have cleaned them :)
Is it possible to have a tournament trophey, maybe a page where the agencies who won have agency name listed?
Sleuth Sindy
Pinball Wizard
Jun-17-2009 15:21
In response to 2):
I think the price of being pirated being so drastically reduced is what negated the point of picking Negotiation.
Perhaps you could make the number of traps/dead ends in the pyramids/caves/cargohold smaller thus increasing a detective's chance of making a find without Trap Detection?