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Signs you play to much sleuth
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Demon of the Due Date

Jan-6-2008 20:22

Flat-Black's become your favourite colour.

Your home-made website devoted to your agency is listed in more than 3 search engines.

Even your mother calls you by your detective name.

You're thinking of starting a charity called "Sleuther's Anonymous".

Somewhere on your body is a tattoo of your favorite faction

Your resume contains the words "solving internet-based crimes". But instead of being in the "Hobbies and Interests" section, it’s in "Career History".

When you order out for pizza and the delivery man shows up, you ask him if he knows anything about the case

Everyone feel free to add your own! :-)


Gopher to the Sleuth Gods

Jan-8-2008 06:52

When you are looking through your casefile thinking things like:

If she was married to him, why did she take that ugly guy for a lover?
What a waste, pretty girl like that a cocaine dealer.

And, my favorite,
Awww, I don't want to go to Delhi, I just got back from Shanghai.

Lucky Stiff

Jan-8-2008 09:26


when you've checked the message boards 5 times and wonder why no-one has replied to your post, then you realise that it's only been 2 hours since you posted it...

Security Lane
Security Lane

Jan-8-2008 18:03

How about when you google your Director (using his detective's name) to make sure he's on the up and up.

Yes I did it. And according to what I found he is the Director or our Agency.

Ms Helen
Ms Helen
Con Artist

Jan-8-2008 20:45

When you know the twist stories off by heart and find yourself reciting them as soon as you see the picture pop up

Battered Shoe

Jan-8-2008 22:19

When at work:

- You say "Store it in the case files and I will check it later."

- When someone mentions business travel to China and you exclaim, "I hate Shanghai!" and then have to backpedal and try to justify that you have never been there but have "heard" that it's a bit over-populated and really really hard to learn the language.

And in personal life:

- When it's your 2 year anniversary with your significant other but you can't go out for a romantic dinner because you are currently in the AVL match from hell, so the celebration will have to wait until the match is over. (True story. Very sad. But priorities, my friends! It's all about priorities. I may be looking for a little Sleuth match-making after this week.... Any takers?)

Gopher to the Sleuth Gods

Jan-8-2008 22:35

Security Lane , eeek back away from your keyboard. That sounds like stalking to me. Take a holiday. Relax. Google your landlord, or mayor or city council.

Pinball Amateur

Jan-9-2008 14:19

You guys are all way off. You know you've been at this too long when the cat's fur on her Lucky Tummy has been rubbed clean off cause you just need that ONE last favor to win the treasure hunt from hell.

Sorry bout that, Miss. It'll grow back in a couple weeks, I promise. ;-)

Old Shoe

Jan-10-2008 05:54

When you watch detective shows you shout at the character because you know that you know better than them. VISIT THE TAILOR!

Old Shoe

Jan-10-2008 23:51

It has become an accepted (aka, just barely tolerated) part of your relationship with your spousal equivalent/ main squeeze and or children that the very best way to get you to pay attention to them is by barking your Sleuth name at you.


Take out the garbage.

Cordelia Falco
Cordelia Falco
Battered Shoe

Jan-12-2008 10:15


(now worrying about whether my spouse knows what my Sleuth name is)

When you dream you're wandering around the streets of Delhi with a trained bloodhound asking people if they know where you can find a Fancy Fedora.

When the fact that your employer has blocked all game websites makes you seriously consider resigning. (watch this space...)

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