Sleuth Home - Detective Security Lane

Very Tough
6654 days
Reformed Burglar
Sleuth Theme:
La Cosa Nostra
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Dagger of Horus Ma Jong Set Newsie Cheongsam White Boots

Completed Missions

  • Packages Delivered: 18
  • Overdue Books Returned: 29
  • Nemeses Captured: 0
  • Secret Plans Revealed: 2
  • Artifacts Unearthed: 1
  • Journal Pages Found: 0
  • Brass Rings Won: 0

Detective Biography

I never stole anything. Just because I wore all black, carried a flashlight and lock picking tools, I was labled a burglar. As coincidence has it, I've been in the wrong places at the wrong times in possession of the wrong things. Honestly, the Goat Diamond was a gift from the night watchman at Gleaming Jewelers. As I told the judge, I had no idea my satchel contained the Police Chief's sterling silver serving tray and wine goblets. Matter of fact, I was just holding the satchel for someone. It may be hard to believe but I found that Ivory Sculpture in the alley behind the museum.

During one of many of my appearances before the honorable Judge Jodie, I was sentenced to 6 months of community service at the county Sheriff Office. This is where I honed in on my investigative skills. One year later I earned by freelance investigators licences from Sleuth University - College of Whodoneit.

The life of a private investigator is hard, especially when you don't have any shoes and people keep throwing glass bottles on the sidewalk. One day, hopefully soon, I'll have a new pair of kicks and when I do, watch out.

My new shoes.
I 'll never forget the day, afternoon, evening, night I received my 1st pair of shoes.
I just came from the office of my 'Anti-Retirement Broker', AKA Shady Character, when I decided to take care of some much needed grooming. So there I was sitting on the park bench on the corner of 23rd street sewing the holes in my socks when a pack of dogs came charging my way. All I could do to keep from being trampled was to jump up on the bench. Unfortunately, the six pairs of socks I had already swen were ravished in the stampede. Boy oh Boy was I upset. The weather was turning cold and I had planned on doubling up the socks for extra warmth and protection.

Now I only had one pair of holey socks and the bad thing was, I lost my needle and thread. That 's when I was approached by the butcher, she needed a favor. I was about to get paid. Yeah!!!. After I dumped her garbage she told me she didn't have any money but had an item I would make good use of. She reached under her apron and pulled out a pair of red suede shoes, size 11, mens. I told her thank you, put on the shoes and flopped down the street back to headquaters. On my way I picked up some balloons and a horn to complete my clown ensemble.

Now I know what you're saying - "but you have white boots". Yes I do. A couple of days later I just happened to be in the alley behind the Super Star Fashion Warehouse when I noticed these boots just laying there on a delivery truck. I picked them up, tried them on - they fit and now they're mine.


Order o Socrates:  Poor(-3)
Arcanum Brthrhd:  Fair(9)
Cosa Nostra:  Poor(-2)
Eastern Triads:  Poor(-3)
Circle of Light:  Fair(9)
Green Hand:  Fair(9)
The Tea Steepers:  Great(35)
Shangri La Tigers:  Terrible(-35)


Fortune Teller (New York)
Shoe Maker (New York)
Librarian (London)
Fortune Teller (London)
Fish Monger (Shanghai)
Calligraphist (Shanghai)
Barber (Delhi)
Bartender (Delhi)
Shoemaker (Cairo)
Captain (Sleuthetania)

Arch Villains

Rumrunner Ursula Glock

Ursula "Executioner" Lancaster

Books Collected

The Mysterious Affair at Styles
Agatha Christie

The Hound of the Baskervilles
Arthur Conan Doyle

Martin Hewitt, Investigator
Arthur Morrison

The Murders in the Rue Morgue
Edgar Allan Poe

A History of Indian Philosophy
Surendranath Dasgupta

The Moonstone
Wilkie Collins