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Talianna Periwinkle
Talianna Periwinkle

Sep-8-2007 19:16

Okay, I got this game from some other message board...

Basically, you ask a question that usually regards Sleuth (but it doesn't have to) and the next person has to answer that question with something that probably doesn't even answer your question, or is just some silly answer (oh, and that person than asks a question)

For Example:

RandomGrl123: Why do suspects keep clamming up on me?

SomeGuy456: Because they want you to go away so that they can secretly plot your death...
Why must I subscribe to travel?

HomoSapien: Because the money is used to make paper dolls.
Where..... Blah blah blah

Get it? Cool! I'll start...

Whose shadow is looming over the Sleuth Light in the banner/theme?


Murray Arty
Murray Arty

Feb-9-2017 23:23

Because of the rotation of the earth.

Why do sharks like blood so much?


Feb-10-2017 06:19

Because one gets tired of all that salty sea water after a while.

Why do tomatoes taste so awful?

Cathy Rose
Cathy Rose
Lucky Stiff

Feb-10-2017 06:29

Because they bounce around in your fridge when you're not home.

Why does junk food taste so good?


Mar-23-2017 18:05

Because a super-explosion of powered-up hydrogen coming from the dark side of the moon caused by large quantities of acumulated hydrogen brought to us the Plague Of Junkfood, which is a highly delicious plague which destroys you from the inside and stands strong till today.

Why does everyone blame the rookie?

Cordelia Falco
Cordelia Falco
Battered Shoe

Mar-27-2017 06:32

Less dangerous than blaming Shady...

What's playing at the theatre in Shanghai?


Mar-27-2017 08:37

A Chinese vampire movie. Hilarious!

What has no beginning, no ending and no middle?

Kathryn Rose
Kathryn Rose

Apr-26-2017 18:00

Shady's fees.

Why is procrastination so much fun?

Fatima Blusch
Fatima Blusch
Assistant Postman

Apr-27-2017 01:32

Can I tell you tomorrow?

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck would?

Fatima Blusch
Fatima Blusch
Assistant Postman

Apr-27-2017 01:33

...if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

Fatima Blusch
Fatima Blusch
Assistant Postman

Apr-27-2017 01:34

And may I say Cathy/Kathryn Rose it's might nice to see you back at Sleuth! :)

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