Sleuth Home - Detective Kathryn Rose

Tough and Charming
2861 days
Moonlighting Dilettante
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Secret #3
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Completed Missions

  • Packages Delivered: 1
  • Overdue Books Returned: 1
  • Nemeses Captured: 0
  • Secret Plans Revealed: 0
  • Artifacts Unearthed: 0
  • Journal Pages Found: 0
  • Brass Rings Won: 86

Detective Biography

I suppose you could say that I was born between two worlds: that of my mother, a riches-to-rags heiress, and that of my father, Harrison, of Harrison & Co., an auto repair business. It did not take him long to build up a steady clientèle and reputation, and soon I, who had found myself trapped in the world of ladies who gossip at drugstores, happily pranced into a larger trap.

The snide remarks that were once given to my face were now disguised behind a façade of luxury and self-sufficiency. Soon I learned that a lifelong fox who had honed the art of passive-aggressive dissemblance to perfection could never be outdone at their own game. And so I ran in the opposite direction, and I taught myself the correct use of direct speech and persistent pressuring. And it was that roundabout adaptation that salvaged my sanity in a world where so few things were real.

I became desperate for more than my poor experiences had allotted me. I wanted so much to tear apart that mask that disguised human nature, a mask itself so bland and dull. Perhaps that is how I ended up at a two-star hotel in Manhattan, spending night after night what I had of an allowance on round after round of classic poker. The motley individuals that frequented the game brought me face-to-face with a species thus far hidden from me: that of the consummate wolf. It was there that I learned the art of sweet talking and suggestion, perhaps the only valuable skills one can have in a world filled with volatile tempers and fragile egos. I taught myself to keep a low profile, to hold my peace when necessary, and to read faces and characters. And I became a fox among the wolves.

Every criminal I apprehend is another mask I tear open to reveal Life itself. Yet the Truth I seek seems to recede endlessly at my pursuit.

And then, one day, the Truth found me...


Order o Socrates:  Fair(8)
Arcanum Brthrhd:  Fair(3)
Cosa Nostra:  Poor(-1)
Eastern Triads:  Poor(-3)
Circle of Light:  Poor(-3)
Green Hand:  Poor(-3)
The Tea Steepers:  Neutral(0)
Shangri La Tigers:  Neutral(0)


Barber (New York)
Music Teacher (New York)

Arch Villains

None Caught

Books Collected

The Mysterious Affair at Styles
Agatha Christie

Secret Adversary
Agatha Christie

A Scandal in Bohemia
Arthur Conan Doyle

The Hound of the Baskervilles
Arthur Conan Doyle

Halloween Trick
Yeti Face