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Talianna Periwinkle
Talianna Periwinkle

Sep-8-2007 19:16

Okay, I got this game from some other message board...

Basically, you ask a question that usually regards Sleuth (but it doesn't have to) and the next person has to answer that question with something that probably doesn't even answer your question, or is just some silly answer (oh, and that person than asks a question)

For Example:

RandomGrl123: Why do suspects keep clamming up on me?

SomeGuy456: Because they want you to go away so that they can secretly plot your death...
Why must I subscribe to travel?

HomoSapien: Because the money is used to make paper dolls.
Where..... Blah blah blah

Get it? Cool! I'll start...

Whose shadow is looming over the Sleuth Light in the banner/theme?


Demon of the Due Date

Nov-1-2007 21:00

Just to confuse you!

Why is it called it a building when it's already built? Should be called a built!

Old Shoe

Nov-1-2007 23:36

Because somewhere in the world, a butterfly flapped its wings, and Ashton Kutcher kicked a brick in the building's foundation, changing it imperceptibly and thus reminding us all that every building is an ongoing work-in-progress, but then realized his real calling was for TV.

If wheelchairs became available as Sleuth equipment would they be pants or hand accessories?


Nov-2-2007 13:01

neather it would be a new catagory butt-sessories.

Why is the general public so stupid? (and I have proof of this there are people who come thru the mcdonalds drive thru and sit there for like 10 minutes saying uuuuuuhhhh and holding up the people behind them who then get mad at me, I mean come on isn't the point of drive thrus everywhere to be in and out really quickly?)

Sleuth About Town

Nov-3-2007 23:27

Well not stupid per se... just a tad oblivious to those around them is all...

Why do some use the terms verbose and verbiage as if others would understand them?

Demon of the Due Date

Nov-3-2007 23:46

because we are smarter than you! :-P

Why don't some people underatnd basic wirds kike verboses and verbiage?

Demon of the Due Date

Nov-3-2007 23:49

damn fat fingers

Sleuth About Town

Nov-3-2007 23:50

because those aren't basic, and we like having simple words to say what we want :D

Why can't some people seem to spell properly with words like "understand", "words", and "like"?

Demon of the Due Date

Nov-4-2007 00:33

because we like to feel superior and confuse you with misspellings!

Why is a womans prison called a Penal colony?


Nov-4-2007 12:28

Because it would probibly be offensive to call it a Vaginal Colony.

Why are people generally selfish?

Old Shoe

Nov-6-2007 01:28

Eh, it's due to a chemical imbalance in the vaginal colon, or as I call it, the hive o' strive. At least when I'm dressed like an Irish bee. Which basically means, I coated myself with wax before I lathered up with a boxful of lucky charms. And we like it too!

*Dowses everyone with a pail full of read-the-rules water 'cause, really, it's supposed to be sleuth-like questions*

Can I please have a magic crab as a special, personalized piece of equipment? I hate to ask because I know it makes me sound shellfish :P

(It doesn't have to sing and dance like that one from 'The Little Mermaid'. I mean...yeah, if it does, that's a bonus, but it doesn't have to...I'm easy).

Ooooh. Preferably not as a hat accessory. Last thing I need is to be rubbing my shoplifted Lady Secret into the scalp. I heard it causes baldness, even though it's strong enough for a man but made for a woman. Hehe, I said Buttmaid.

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