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Talianna Periwinkle
Talianna Periwinkle

Sep-8-2007 19:16

Okay, I got this game from some other message board...

Basically, you ask a question that usually regards Sleuth (but it doesn't have to) and the next person has to answer that question with something that probably doesn't even answer your question, or is just some silly answer (oh, and that person than asks a question)

For Example:

RandomGrl123: Why do suspects keep clamming up on me?

SomeGuy456: Because they want you to go away so that they can secretly plot your death...
Why must I subscribe to travel?

HomoSapien: Because the money is used to make paper dolls.
Where..... Blah blah blah

Get it? Cool! I'll start...

Whose shadow is looming over the Sleuth Light in the banner/theme?


Old Shoe

Sep-18-2007 01:24

Because I line my pockets with the grease from McDonalds fries, just in casesomething funny happens and I need the extra moisture-proofing.

That really doesn't have anything to do with Sleuth. But god-willing, that won't be true after the new expansion hits :P

How is it that when you ask the barber for a haircut, you get "I don't know anything about that", in response? Are you kidding me???

Fizzlewig Trapspringer
Fizzlewig Trapspringer

Sep-18-2007 09:51

Because he really doen't know anything about cutting hair, he just collects it, frames it, and knits clothes out of it. If you want a haircut, go see the bartender.

Why does the Don of La Cosa Nostra hang out at the real estate building?

Dave Von Wave
Dave Von Wave

Sep-19-2007 16:06

To answer that one I'd have to answer why the prices for apartments and agency buildings are so high. It's sort of the same answer from the other side of the coin. Really though, It's a conspiracy! Everything is really including dump-trucks at 6AM and dumpsters that only gets emptied by homeless people.

I wanna know how the priest became so corrupt?

Safety Officer

Sep-19-2007 17:07

Yarrrr, now me first mate Three Fingered Pete - they call him Three Fingers on account 'o his one eye - he could tell this tale better 'n me. But he had a nasty accident with a school o' Barracuda, so all I can say is that it' be a long an' treacherous story you be askin' boyo, involvin' a mermaid, the Vienna Boys' Choir and a barrel of rum, yarrrr. I leave the rest t' yer imagination. Yarrrr.

I want to know where me parrot few off to. Yarrr.


Sep-19-2007 20:14

Yarrrr. Now, I be unsure o' where the likes o' yer parrot would normally be, but I heared Cap'n Crunchpatty talkin' o' squab fer dinner.

I want to know why the Prince of Shangri-La just happens to have multiples of so many pieces of clothing. I thought that dress was a Dior original, but it turns out it was just a knockoff. What gives?

Fizzlewig Trapspringer
Fizzlewig Trapspringer

Sep-20-2007 21:49

Nope. Sorry. The dresses he sells are actually "Door" originals, and they're mass produced by the millions. You must not have looked very closely at the lablel.

Is there some secret prize if you solve 1,000,000 cases?

Arabella Parker
Arabella Parker

Sep-22-2007 14:58

Yes, but the prize is so secret, no one knows what it is, not even Ben.

Is the coffee shop in Cairo owned by Starbucks?


Sep-25-2007 15:08

Actually, the coffee shop in Cairo is secretly owned by an underworld character named Big Bertha. Check and see - not one iced-double-mocha-latte-frappacino in sight. Thank goodness.

How can there possibly be so many arch-villains? Wouldn't they all be killing each other off to gain turf and/or a foothold in the Underworld?

Sleuth About Town

Sep-28-2007 15:02

There are so many so the Prince will always need your services. If there weren't many, none of us would be searching for random ones and all on the same search. By the time the villain is found, then the Prince would no longer need us.

Why do the hunts have so many repeated clues?

Fizzlewig Trapspringer
Fizzlewig Trapspringer

Oct-1-2007 10:15

The clues repeat just in case a detective didn't get the clue the first 26 times, hopefully they will catch on by the 27th time.

Why doesn't the banker in London know how to recognize people's handwriting?

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