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Things You've Always Wondered
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Mar-24-2007 12:17

Post the things you've always wondered about or your random thoughts and see if someone can answer it.

How do those 'Keep Off The Grass' signs get there?

It can be totally random!



Apr-1-2007 11:48

"If the countries, Hungry and Turkey were to fight, would they use gravy as their ammunition?"

If Hungary had gravy, they probably wouldn't be Hungary! But do you think they would serve Turkey on China and drink Canada Dry?

Aww, Cenoe, I'm just a crazy old cat lady... *wanders off, muttering about cats with split ends on their fur*


Apr-1-2007 22:32

1. "You know the signs on restaurant doors? No Shirt, No Shoes, No Service? What if someone goes in with No Pants? Would the restaurant still have to serve them?"

If it is a sit-down restaurant no. If it's a fast food joint with a counter, yes. With the workers at places like Mc D's and Starbucks it pretty much "out of sight, out of mind..."

2. "Why doesn't the hair on your arms grow as fast as the hair on your head?

Because they are 2 different types of hair. The shorter body hair is called “vellus” hair and the stuff on your head is called “terminal.” Interestingly, vellus hair can partially terminal during puberty and terminal can revert to vellus during male pattern baldness.

Old Shoe

Apr-2-2007 00:19're saying that if I can get me a mullet wig made entirely from prepubescent arm hair...I'll be a freaking Adonis again, right???

*totally lurks behind a school bus with a battery-powered Epilady, a mannequin head and a stack of rogaine pamphlets*

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