General Feedback
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner
Feb-22-2004 20:32
I have a couple of questions I'd like some feedback on. Please Answer by replying to this post.
1) Is the game fun? Really fun, kind of fun, funner than going to the dentist?
2) Can you think of anything that would make the game more fun?
3) Is the game too hard? Too easy?
Replies |
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner
Nov-9-2004 09:39
Paypal allows for purchases from lots of different countries. In many cases the service charge for the conversion doesn't amount to much. In some cases it is more expensive.
Another option is to pay by mail, but then you need to make the payment in US$ also.
Tara S. Chise
Nov-11-2004 14:10
i think it's really fun. the only thing that makes me sad, is that i can't have my original name. my original was Tara Chise, but i didn't realize you could only have 3 false accusations and i lost it(newbie mistake). do you think maybe you could make it so when people get three accuses, they can make a new detective, but still have the same name? And maybe those who've had to change their name becasue of it could change it back (like me)?
also, i think it'd be interesting if when someone made a detective, they could choose their own beginning skills (unless they chose ones making the game too easy). like give them a certain number of skill points to start with, and let them choose. i dunno, just an idea.
and, perhaps we could add some mroe people??? the last few cases i've solved ahd had people with the same last name. maybe we could go through the phone book and pick random last names, and maybe some more first names. if icome up with any more ideas, i'll let you know.
P.S. i like the idea of having more games a day, but only make it like five or so. and i love with you've done with the layout of things...maybe we could make the map a little different! like, make the buildings 3d or something, and i like the ideas of the other people on here.
Old Shoe
Nov-12-2004 07:58
Tara - on the suggestion of letting you decide beginning skills - that already is an option - 'easier' lets you get a set of stock skills and 'harder gives you 20 skill points that you can 'spend' however you want to build a 'custom' detective.
Nov-13-2004 08:10
tara- only prob with 3d is those with dial up and slower modem speeds would not be able to play. Plus it would take a whole new program.
Majandra Belial
Nov-14-2004 14:26
Hello -
1) Well, I did get addicted to this on my first hit...
2) Tara Chise's idea on an option to start from scratch with the same name sounds good.
3) The levels I've done so far seem just about right in terms of difficulty... then again, I haven't been here long.
Majandra Belial
Nov-14-2004 17:08
Addendum -
2) How about a way to trade in unwanted skills, say at half-cost?
Old Shoe
Nov-14-2004 17:21
That has been suggested before, not sure why it hasn't been added, though.
Nov-15-2004 02:33
its acctually not logic to trade skills I think. Skill is something u learned u cant unlearn it.
Majandra Belial
Nov-15-2004 03:37
2) Nyeh heh heh... try this.
"I took a sip from the goblet.
At first, nothing.
Then a wave of nauseating dizziness hit me hard, so hard that I fell off the stool. The faces of the others hovered hazily into view above me, the movement of their mouths eventually blurring into a welcome unconsciousness.
I awoke who-knows-how-much later, lightheaded and oddly hungry. Someone brought me a cup of water; thinking of the last time I was offered a drink, I declined, thanking my host as I made my woozy way to the door. If nothing else, I thought, at least I can fill this empty slot in my head with something else.
Oh, for a spanikopita."
Nov-16-2004 04:28
Thank you, thank you, thank you for adding the message on the client page that clearly states you cannot accuse your client without a motive.
The number of posts about this seems to have gone down dramatically already, thank goodness.