General Feedback
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner
Feb-22-2004 20:32
I have a couple of questions I'd like some feedback on. Please Answer by replying to this post.
1) Is the game fun? Really fun, kind of fun, funner than going to the dentist?
2) Can you think of anything that would make the game more fun?
3) Is the game too hard? Too easy?
Replies |
Dr. Falco Maltese
Sep-5-2004 00:57
Responding to self:
Am now informed that there /is/ a way to submit mysteries.....
If that's so, I think it would be great to put that information out there where it's easy to find - maybe on the Featured Mysteries FAQ?
Sep-6-2004 22:05
ok, thanks elvenwonder. No Dr.I am sure you are not the only ones who skip the storylines. You are right, it's the puzzle that get's us going, but the story lines add something too. They give the element that I am not solving the same story with the characters rotated. Anyhow, they were just my share of comments:)
Old Shoe
Sep-7-2004 15:09
Dr. Falco Maltese,
I wrote a mystery. It's great fun writing it, but be warned, what you think will be 2 or 3 pages on a word processor, WILL turn out to be 9 or 10. Otherwise, I hope to see your mystery soon!
Sep-7-2004 22:48
In our agency, we basically only use our smarts gear for checking crime scenes and while we work in the crime lab. Sometimes we forget and log off while wearing it, which annoys everyone else (and embarrasses the person who did it).
It's also annoying to have to click on four things and then click on the four things you usually wear.
There have been suggestions of "hangers" for sets of accessories and for a log off confirmation asking "Are you sure you want to log off wearing this, this, this and this?"
Also suggestions about flagging some items in the locker as "unloggoffable."
Here's a new suggestion to throw into the mix.
Since we can now hire "clerks," what if we could also employ a forensics expert?
Instead of putting on special gear to search a crime scene, we would ask our "forensics team" (as real as our "clerk") to search for us. We could give them the smarts gear we accumulated, so their abilities would depend on our goods, but it wouldn't actually be any of the agents. That would keep us from logging off wearing the smarts gear, and also from having to change clothes as often.
Plus, it's a luxury that gives agencies another thing to pay for...
What do y'all think?
Sep-7-2004 22:56
The only potential problem with this is that it would eliminate the need for the smarts evidence skills. But I guess that in order to understand the forensic expert's reports you'd have to have the skills? I agree Moonshh, this would be brilliant for how our agents work and our lazy clicking fingers!
Sep-7-2004 22:58
I'd have to agree with Moonshh here. I think its a rather novel and creative idea that keeps us in the illusion of the slueth world, and aliviates many of the gripes and problems of smarts gear, and the time it /really/ does take to put it on. Take if off. Put it on again, etc.
Lisa Carol Freemont
Sep-8-2004 15:59
I think it's a brilliant idea, what do you reckon Ben?
Sleuth Admin
Tale Spinner
Sep-9-2004 09:40
I'm not sure I understand how the experts would relate to a detective's own smarts skills? You wouldn't be able to get any help from them that you couldn't get for yourself? I definitely don't want to do anything that makes certain skills useless or redundant.
Sep-9-2004 10:08
I think the skills we have would be just as useful if we were able to hire the forensics expert to wear the smarts gear and check the scene, but to read the forensics report, as Orbitrux says, we would need our own evidence skills - the report would not reveal more than we would find at the crime scene ourselves, the difference would be that we could click once to send the expert to the scene, rather than changing into all the smarts gear ourselves. We would get the benefit of whatever smarts equipment our agency could and chose to put on the forensics expert, but we would use our own evidence skills. Does this clarify?
The benefit to the agents would be less danger of logging off in the smarts gear that everyone in the agency shares and less clicking to go through to search cases.
Sep-10-2004 10:54
I am not sure if a 'clerk' and 'forensic expert' are supposed to be real people, or just characters we can click on to do our dirty work.. like a virtual person. i am going to play detective and suspect that they are virtual people because I cannot see how a real player would just want to be a forensics expert. Go to the scene, click analyse and walk away. So based on that I am going to presume you are tlaking virtual.. (pardon my ignorance but I have not had exposure to the clerks yet.. I am only relatively new).
i think the concept of a virtual forensics expert is interesting, but on its own it does reduce the use of smarts. Some things that spring to mind are would there be 'better quality' forensic experts than others, if so how do they become better? experience at analysing scenes or what? The other thing with this is that every player would get the same level forensics whether they were a rookie or a big gun.. (ie everything cos the big guns would have juiced the forensics person up). I know it can be done now by starting a case, saving it, big gun do the analysis and save it, newbie continue on.. but honestly who would go to the trouble.. ?
As for the forensics reports, i do not even know how to look at one, so my smarts arent being used well are they?? hahaha
I personally would be happy if it were easier to to get all gear as I mentioned in another thread (which Moonsh led me to here) using check boxes to get them all at once or put them all back at once.
I think a prompt to ask if someone wants to log off with gear is better than not allowing them to, cos if someone is retrieving gear from a locker when they leave an agency they wouldnt be allowed to take it.
I have typed enough, and one of you buggers has probably finished the hunt i am working on.. lol