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Sleuth March Madness
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Mar-1-2007 13:41

In honor of that lousy waste of a month February being over, I have decided to hold the first-ever Sleuth March Madness Tournament!

The premise is pretty simple. We compile a list of 64 of the game's most recognizable players, seed them into a tournament bracket, and allow Sleuthville to vote for the "best" in each matchup.

Rules for eligibility:
You must be subscribed and over 30 days old
You must PM me with your intent to enter the tournament or to nominate an eligible member for the tournament. If you are nominating someone, you must also be subscribed and older than 30 days.
Entries and nominations should be messaged ASAP. As soon as we get 64, the seeding process will begin and the matchups will be posted.

After the initial bracket is filled, I will post a few matchups here every day. Then, the people involved in those matchups will have an opportunity to say "anything" on this thread that they feel will allow them to advance to the next round of competition. Sleuthville votes will be what decides the winners, and voting information will be coming soon.

The overall winner of this tournament will receive $100,000 sleuth cash.

Please begin sending your nominations and entries to me ASAP, and good luck!



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Mar-4-2007 01:09

Alright, here are the first group of matchups!

Remember, voting does not start until TOMORROW for these matchups, however, the competitors and their 3 spokesmen may each make their persuasive post anytime from now to when the polls close.

The matchups being decided on Monday, March 5th, are:

(4) Tinuviel vs. (13) Yoyofoshow
(8) Ranier Peperhaut vs. (9) Zanjana
(6) Ms Helen Corning vs. (11) Shannonbanshee
(2) Coco Cola vs. (15) Longwater

Results of these matches will be posted on Tuesday, March 6th.

(previous modded post contain inaccurate pairings)

Old Shoe

Mar-4-2007 01:32

*buys a thesaurus, a rhyming dictionary, a Vanilla Ice greatest hits album, a cameo full of bear fat and a pound of frozen bacon from that weird kid who's always in front of my building in anticipation of his throwdown*

Safety Officer

Mar-4-2007 01:51

.......... Dream sequence begin ...........

Beauful women in spandex line a white stair case... A suave angelic Frankie Avalon smiles and saunters down the stairs. Music wafts in the background, the beautiful women sway to the beat, and he sings, "Beauty School Drop Out... "

The Music Screeches to a halt suddenly. A Giant Acorn swings across the staircase, careering into the angelic figure, wiping him off the stage.

Moments later Secret Squirrel comes trotting down the stairs, "Get yer own dream sequence Pretty Boy", he shouts at the limping and somewhat dishevelled Avalon.

SS makes his way to the nearby microphone, as the Giant Acorn swings to a halt behind him. The words "VOTE 1 Yoyofoshow" burn brightly on it's facade.

"So you all know why I'm here", SS begins, "So let's keep it short and to the point... GO NUTS!!!" Someone coughs in the background "No Nuts!"

"Err yes", Squirrel shuffles his little feet and looks apologetic, "In summary..." he looks at the back of his hand and then looks off stage and whispers, #all I have is that he's a teen, and not a tool!#

#Well...# comes the whispered reply.

SS shrugs, "VOTE 1 Yoyofoshow, he's a teen, and not a tool!"

#And...# comes the whisper from the sidelines.

"Oh yes', SS raises his hands above his head, "GO NUTS!!!".

A giant shepherds crook appears from the side of the stage...

.......... Dream sequence end ...........

lol if you didn't get it, VOTE 1 Yoyo. It's a vote for him, and it's a vote to remind all us old(ish) fogies that this game 'can' be for 'everyone': age, sex, colour or creed.

Squirrel out.


Mar-4-2007 02:29

Thanks for the nomination, I'm honored. But Im not on much during the week... So will be hard for me to follow this. If someone wants to post for me when my matchup is coming. Feel free ;)

Violet Parr
Violet Parr

Mar-4-2007 09:18

Miss Violet Parr was busy posting large purple posters all over town. Upon the purple background was the picture of a beautiful blonde casting her gaze sideways. As Miss Parr was gluing her hundredth poster, she cast her gaze sideways herself to notice a little boy drawing a moustache on the face of the blonde on her posters.

Miss Parr walked straight towards the little rascal. He turned just in time to be terrified right before she started speaking: “What do you think you are doing here young man!”

“I’m just having some fun ma’am…”

“It’s Miss! Do you have any idea who this woman is?”

The boy looked at the blonde in the picture and shook his head.

“Why it is Lady Coco Cola herself! One the oldest, most credited, highly acclaimed detectives around here. She is a Director of Moonlighting, one of the leading detective agencies. She also genuinely cares about this neighbourhood and society and does her best always to welcome new comers like myself! She afforded me and many others a lot of warmth here and I will not have you make a mockery out of her portrait or ruin her campaign!”

“Campaign…?” the boy wondered.


“Is she going to be president ma’am?”

“Oh god knows the world would be a better place.” Violet Parr rolled her eyes, then, suddenly, a realisation dawned upon her, and she turned to the boy with a single word. “Miss!”

Lucky Stiff

Mar-4-2007 10:09

My vote is for Mr. Ranier Peperhaut, as yours should be.

Despite the fact that "he" has a little issue with straddling the fence, he has been an IMMENSE help to my team in the short time he has been at SMRT, rising to the rank of director, busting his ass and just generally showing all the rest of us up.

Also, he may not say much on the boards, but when he does, its either, a) brilliant, b) insightful or c) incredibly damn funny :)


Washed Up Punter

Mar-4-2007 10:37

"Zanjana, what is your response to the support being garnered by Mr. Peperhaut?" The leggy, blonde reporter shoved her microphone into my face as I rounded the corner to my office.

I was dog-tired. I'd been out chasing the dregs of our society, doing my darndest to keep the streets of Delhi safe. I was headed to my office to grab some files before catching the red-eye to New York, having just gleaned some important information on the trail of a valuable treasure. I pushed a stubborn lock of hair out of my red-rimmed eyes before responding.

"I have nothing but the utmost respect for Mr. Peperhaut. Though I do not know him personally, his reputation is stellar and I'm sure he's also a really nice guy. I, too, have worked tirelessly to advance both the record and reputation of my agency, catching average, garden variety criminals every day, as well as several devious Arch Villains. Though my agency does not promote readily to Director, I have begun to take on additional responsibilities, including recruitment and supervisory duties. When time permits, I have also made efforts to contribute to the community as a whole. You may feel free to contact Crunchpatty about the "Cheeto-dust incident" for verification of my worth in that area. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have work to do."

And with that, I opened the heavy door to the Victorian Conservatory and disappeared inside. I had a plane to catch.


Mar-4-2007 10:52

Hi Everyone,
Thanks for the vote Lady Jas.I just read the post and saw who my competitor is.I know I am supposed to speak on myself and why I should be in this competition,but I have high regard for Ms.Helen and feel she deserves to be in this competition.So as far as I am concerned I am speaking for her.She should be voted to stay in this competition. Thanks,


Mar-4-2007 11:16

Let me tell you all a little story about a guy named Longwater.

From his humble beginnings as a prospector, panning for oil in Cleveland, he has recently risen from his poor social stature, questionable moral upbringing, and extensive rap sheet to take on a highly coveted position in Sleuthville: Special_K's personal errand-boy.

Now, while the job has perks out the yin-yang, Longwater is best known as a pillar of the community. His marathon sessions in chat serve to better those around him, that is when he's not too busy spouting legal rhetoric in an effort to defend yours truly.

Plus, he just had a kid. Gotta vote for the happy dad.

So remember, a vote for Longwater is a vote for... well, Longwater.

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