Chelsea Bando
Feb-24-2007 20:22
Requirements to play the game: Must have at least 10,000 experience points and be an active member. Must be available for the next few weeks.
12 fortunate detectives will be brought together with the chance to win up to 100 grande (in sleuth money NOT real money. To be transferred to your detective's account at the end of the competition)
In order to win the money you will have to complete challenges as a team. However, there is one player called the mole, an operative I have hired to sabotage the game and decrease your winnings. At the end of each round each contestant will have to answer a series of questions relating to the challenges they have faced and about who they think is the mole. Whoever gets the least amount of the questions right will be eliminated from the competition. The mole cannot be eliminated from the competition since my operative will know all of the answers. When there are only three contestants remaining, the last quiz will be administered and the winner will be decided. The last one standing wins all the money.
Mar-13-2007 23:17
I absolutely cannot talk in the 3rd person, so I have hired that announcer guy from the movies. Mr LaFontaine, if you would?
"In a world... where pottery is sold... one man... must make a choice... Serges "Kickstab" McKnifeboot is... the new Harry Potter(y-buying guy)."
Ok, enough for the trailer. Mr. Freeman, care to handle it for now?
"Serges walked from shop to shop... it was a lovely day. Birds were chirping, little people were wrestling, as is their custom.
He walked with a grin; the grin of a man with 453 billion dollars in the form of a cashier's check. Serges was the only son of wealthy ferret tycoon Donald McKnifeboot, who had recently passed away from a puncture wound to the throat.
As Serges perused the aisles, examining the wares before him, he found he could not make a choice. So, in his infinite wisdom and wealth, he purchased every pottery item from every stand he passed. He also purchased the entire lot of brownies, claiming medicinal needs. As he passed Jojo's stand however, he began to spook. Poor Serges had been mauled by a ferret when he was just a little boy, and for some reason the sight of small mammals terrified him. So in seeing Jojo, he chose to break Jojo's most expensive piece of pottery and purchase the rest. As he finally passed AubreyJ's stand, he enjoyed something about her. Maybe it was her eyes, maybe it was her mini-skirt. Either way, he proceeded to clean out her store, and give her a $100 tip for the privilege. Then into the sunset he marched, slighly less obnoxiously rich, and confident that he in fact had done something nice for the people selling their crap on the street."
This has been a Serges Production.