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Enough is Enough
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Chelsea Bando
Chelsea Bando

Feb-23-2007 22:10

I am tired of Ben not doing anything about people who lie, cheat, and steal in this game. Ben gives people to many chances. People need to be banned. How many more agencies must suffer the consequences of having rogue detectives join, take sign on bonuses, loot lockers, steal money from safe accounts, and then leave to repeat the process before the administration takes action? Chronestrian left this site for a reason, and I spoke to him shortly before he quit. I honestly told him that the site was not going to change and that people would continue to abuse the system without any fear of punishment. Enough is enough. I call upon the denizens of Slueth to support my referendum. Ben must take action against repeat offenders.



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Beef Flaps
Beef Flaps
Lucky Stiff

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Old Shoe

Feb-23-2007 22:45

We tried this last time we had a major-thief in Sleuth... And it didn't stop it from happening this time...

We have the tools to keep thiefs from bay by just making equipment for directors or officers only - USE THEM!

Pinball Amateur

Feb-23-2007 22:47

Ben, what good does it do?? He's hit FOUR agencies that I know of, and tried to hit at least four others, including four that I work with. Reporting him to you would just get him a 'don't do it again' speech to him and an 'I can't help you' speech to the reporters. Both of which don't solve the problem, and just lead to more frustration and anger.

Round and round we go....

Pinball Amateur

Feb-23-2007 22:49

How do the tools work when the guy rips off his OWN agency, Jojo?? I admit, it's a new one on me, but the people in his group shouldn't have to suffer for it.

Lucky Stiff

Feb-23-2007 22:50

I see all your points, but we've been BUTCHERING this kid on the recruitment thread, and if you don't research the newbies, you're just asking for it. That's why we have the director's board, and why we have the lines of communication open between all of us. He was PMing me earlier based on some of my comments on his recruitment posts, and I warned him that he was lucky to have gotten into Blood and Dagger and that he would have severe consequences if he screwed with them.

How much does this kid have to do before we all just tell him to f*%$ off!

I know I already have...

(this is Biggie btw for those of you that don't know my double)

Old Shoe

Feb-23-2007 22:54

I hate to say it... but at this point, you almost deserve getting robbed if you have ignored the warning signs; or at least you give up the right to complain about it.

Ms Helen
Ms Helen
Con Artist

Feb-23-2007 23:04

Ok so i see everyones point about the having the tools to do it ourselves, and i understand how people would therefore say 'its your own fault he stole' but still, you cant say that its right what he's done.

To be fair not everyone reads the boards or try to avoid them for various reason so i can understand why certain people haven't seen all the bad comments about him in the recruiting thread.

*hopes she doesn't get slapped for this*

Whilst there may not have been complaints officially made to ben or sunny i am sure both read the boards and must therefore have had some understanding of what has been going on. Also not everyone knows what to do when they want to complain there is no official stance on that as far as i know. Some people may think that complaining on the boards is an official complaint.

Why should he be allowed to stay in the game. OK so we can all blacklist him fine. But what if he startes a new agency up and recruits new people who have no understanding of what has happened. It's not fair on us and it's not fair on them.

Ok i'm done rambling for now :)

Old Shoe

Feb-23-2007 23:08

To be specific on that... myself and others sent SPECIFIC warnings to those taking him in or considering it.

Now that's just ignoring common sense?

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