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Jan-27-2007 22:51

Ok, so I'm bored. REALLY REALLY bored.

And since my last efforts to alleviate my boredom were mod-spanked into oblivion faster then Crunchpatty's fly goes up when his woman comes home early (STILL got it in!)...

I've decided to make a post asking the following question:

Who is your Sleuth BFF? (Best Friend Forever)

You get one. No waffling, either.

Who, and why?


Old Shoe

Jan-28-2007 00:28

*best impression of self at age 6 he can muster voice*

mine is the secret_squirrel he knows a lot of many other ways to say crunchpatty like brittleburger and crispy critter and I HAD A BUNNY TOO HE WAS CALLED HOPPY and secret squirrel is funny and knows a lot about this game and always tries really hard to make it a fun place for all the people who go here and teach them what to do and one time he told me something about something you should never do to a koala bear with a pencil, even a dull one. A dull pencil not a dull bear because even if it's a dull bear it's still a living thing and you should be nice to it because you're a living thing too.

I don't like serges or biggie528 very much because I like Meghan-Suzie also.

By: crunchpatty.


Jan-28-2007 01:11

My Sleuth BFF is my boyfriend, who never visits the message boards but I don't really know anyone else that I would care to mention so I guess he gets it by default. Plus, we have been dating most of the time since April so if I didn't say him, I could get in

Why? I was trying to think of a way to make this funny but I guess I should be serious for once. He has been there through the very hard times the last 5 months but they are getting better the last few days..yay! :). We always laugh when we are together. He is great with my daughter. I have learned to really appreciate him even more the last 2 months - I realized just how much he genuinely cares about me. Yes, get out your tissues :)

Story Teller

Jan-28-2007 01:53

lol I don't really have a bff. I so heart you though crunch, coz no-one knows how to utilise maple syrup to make a squirrel sticky like you do mate, but I think this is such a great community I'd be hard pushed (and as in RL I don't like) to play favourites. :D


Jan-28-2007 05:06

My bff on sleuth happens to be my bff in real life. Detective Lulah and I both came to Egypt in our early teens and have been inseparable since :)

Old Shoe

Jan-28-2007 06:13

*Forgot homework voice*
UHHHHh..... I kinda didn't do my homework *class gapes**gigles* I dont have a bff in sleuth I dont tink. *more giggles*


Jan-28-2007 09:26

well, i dont really have a bff in sleuth, but if i needed to pick one id say either breit, or sabrina maxwell. because both of them(and serges) were there for me when i needed them and tried to help me with my problems as best they could, and with only knowing me(sabrina)for a couple of days and(breit) an hour or two!! they're all good friends to me on this site and i value them highly. :oD


Jan-28-2007 11:42

That is really nice Tinuviel :)

I have been friends with someone for 23 years now, every since we started out in school :) We aren't best friends like we used to be but we keep in touch regularly.

Adam Carter
Adam Carter
Big Winner

Jan-28-2007 14:56

"How 'bout a muffin?"
"We don't LIKE muffins around here! We want no muffins, no toast, no teacakes, no buns, baps, baguettes or bagels, no croissants, no crumpets, no pancakes, no potato cakes and no hot-cross buns and DEFINITELY no smegging flapjacks!"
"Aah, so you're a waffle man!"
"See? You see what he's like? He winds me up, man. There's no reasoning with him."


I don't have a BFF, but I DO have a BFFL, and she knows who she is ;)

Ms Helen
Ms Helen
Con Artist

Jan-28-2007 15:05

LOL Adam knows how to take waffling to heart doesn't he.

OK so i guess he's talking about me. Yay BFFL's rule, especially Yorkie BFFL's like my dear Adam up there.

Oh and if you didn't get it Adam's mine hehe :D

Serges you must have been super duper bored when you did this thread. Now if you'll excuse me all i'm sounding way to happy so i have to go calm down :D:D:D:D


Jan-28-2007 16:24

I have no BFF in Sleuth . . . yet. I guess I'm too freaky. :)

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