Old Shoe
Nov-24-2006 14:25
(sticky post)
At risk of repeating myself:
You cannot form or join ANY agency at all unless you have paid for a game subscription.
In other words, YES, you have to "be subscribed", "buy a membership", "sign up" or whatever other combination of words you would prefer to use to mean "pay money for premium content".
You can find out how to do this here:
This is a game rule, and not one made or enforced by agency directors, so asking nicely (while very sweet) won't help, no matter how eager you are or how much you love the game.
I promise, you'll like it even more with a subscription! So first get one, THEN start asking if you can join a particular agency. There's always lots of people looking for new talent - but no-one's interested in you until you subscribe.
Happy Sleuthing!
Replies |
Old Shoe
Nov-24-2006 20:10
Old Shoe
Nov-25-2006 03:06
Here's to them getting it!!
Lucky Stiff
Nov-26-2006 05:21
This might be the finest sticky thread ever to be stickied, thanks Crunch :)
Nov-27-2006 20:21
I'd like to add that after you are subsrcibed, you need to have your pop-up blocker off before you can receive an invite to an agency.
Sleuthgirl Ciara
Nov-27-2006 22:12
I tried 2click on yor link u gav and it lyk duznt work?
U try: http://noir.playsleuth.com/detective/subscribe.spy
<3 <3 <3 Ciara!
ps hi jojo *blushz*
Old Shoe
Nov-28-2006 00:53
Ciara - thank you for the correction. And (shh *secret* ) jojo is the future Mr. Jessica Alba. Be not the homewrecker.
I thought you were more into that Bucky guy? His wives sour the deal?
Battered Shoe
Nov-28-2006 05:12
Bucky managed to get more than one woman to marry him?!
*lies down while mind boggles*
I gotta go before this thread gets hijacked. NO SUBSCRIBEY, NO AGENCY!
Y'all can call me Bucky
Nov-28-2006 05:55
Now don’t none of you gentle folk be getting me in trouble with mah Missy Sue. That ol’gal can pitch a saucer throwin, foot stompin, cabinet slammin, get out of my face, this better be the last time this dab-blame mess happens, hissie fit no like no other woman can. I’d rather jump into a 5 gallon bucket o’porkypines than mess with mah Missy.
Sure an there aren’t some fellas up my way that done got themelves a coupla gals, but heckn if that aint a lotta trouble to be fixin yerself into. Ol Joe Baker he done up and marry any ol gal’. Danged if last Fall he dint marry Bessy May Parkinson. Now that girl’s got a face’d make a freight train take a dirt road. Folks say she was such an unfortunate lookin child they had to tie a soup bone round her neck just so the dogs’d play with her.
So I'm plum happy with the what I have. I am sorry for Miss Ciara, but I is taken.
Y'all can call me Bucky.
Lucky Stiff
Nov-29-2006 19:49
omg they still arent getting it. i give up
Golden Eye
Dec-26-2006 19:39
I am Golden Eye. I would like to join a detective agency. I am having difficulty. I need your help.