Confess, ye sleuthy sinners!
Old Shoe
Nov-16-2006 00:47
Sooo...the mighty gumshoe board feels a bit slow today. *Bob the Builder voice* Can we fix it? Yes we can!
Got a skeleton pounding on your closet? A secret in the attic? A monkey (no, not precious Bobo...and not the raging back hair you try to pass off as a Bonobo backpack either) on your back?
Let it all out, boo.
K, I'll start with a few (true) examples.
When I was 16, I robbed the house belonging to to heir of a pickle dynasty.
I used to steal Volkswagen signs to be more like one of the Beastie Boys.
I have bought more than one kind of deodorant in the same day, on the advice of a friend.
I salivate a little whenever I walk by a hot dog vendor.
I totally car-megeddoned a pigeon last month.
Sometimes, I find Bob Sagat funny.
I'm Canadian and I really don't care about hockey.
Plus, I covet my neighbor's ox every day.
Replies |
Arianna Quinn
Jul-13-2007 06:18
I liked forensic science so much that I majored in it while at uni with no intent of actully going into that profession.
When it came time to do the "pig dig" for one of my classes I ( and the rest of the class) were very dissapointed that there were only bones to dig up and not an actual body.
My dream job would be to work on a body farm or as a pathologists assistant.
I love to read Patricia Cornwell.
Some other sad obsessions/revelations
I collect comic books and love cartoons especially the ones from DC
Yes I am a twenty something girl
Brasco De Gama
Old Shoe
Jul-14-2007 16:08
ok... it goes no further than this thread, but I tap my feet to TLC tracks and love singing along to "Zombie" by The Cranberries.
Ethan Murdock
Jul-14-2007 20:17
Ha, this is a Sleuth related confession: I created several detectives to find out, on a trial and error basis, who the murderer in the "Unread will" scripted mystery was. Then I created a new detective (the one I actually wanted to play with) and solved the mystery with zero Xp, and I got 4 skill points for that! I know I should feel guilty about that, but, hey, I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who did this.
Lacrymosa Songlei
Jul-17-2007 12:44
I love to watch and sing along to musicals and Disney Movies
Talia Rune
Jul-17-2007 16:03
I agree with Lacrymosa, I absolutely love musicals and Disney movies.
I can't imagine visiting London without going to the theatre (first time was the Phantom of the Opera - combining 1 and 2).
I love nice shoes, buying and wearing, but I blame this on my xx chromosomes.
I sometimes sneak in here when I should be working.
I once ran a red light on purpose, knowing the consequences of getting caught, but it was 2 in the morning on a Thursday and I simply didn't feel like waiting.
And got away with it.
Handed in quite a number of reports morning after the deadline, counting on reaching the building earlier than the respective professor.
When asked about my friends' car's, I usually reply with: "It's green/white/black/silver etc."
I use trains and planes to sleep.
Kathryn Gumshoe the 7th
Battered Shoe
Jul-19-2007 16:23
I was actually LOOKING FORWARD TO dissecting worms. The science teacher told us at the beginning of last year (7th grade) that we would be dissecting worms at the end of the year. A week or something from the last day of school, I raised my hand and asked when we would get to dissect the worms.
We never got to.
I picked up a pretty nasty mouth after watching the movie Stand By Me. It seems like every other sentence I'm saying the s word. Sometimes the f word. And I'm 13.
I will cry about just anything.
Nelson Eddy's singing gives me nightmares and sometimes his acting is just hilarious- where it's never supposed to be.
One time I fell off the swing and laughed about it. (at the time)
I wrote an incredibly humorous story about the time I had a bike crash. It wasn't so humorous at the time.
I own all 5 seasons of the Brady Bunch.
I LOVE old black and white movies. Half of the ones I am obsessed with are corny.
The website I spend the most time on is IMDB.
Jul-21-2007 07:08
^I love imdb too! and I watched the Brady Bunch movie and - don't tell anyone this- really enjoyed it.
And when I grow up I'm going to marry Rafael Nadal or Dr Gates in ER.
Jim Diamond
Jul-21-2007 17:30
- I once burned down a storage shack with two friends, on accident, and almost an adjoining after-school centre.
- Although it's certainly nothing I'm proud of I've driven under influence several times.
- I've set myself on fire four times. Two on purpose and two by accident. The latter was my face.
- I am 29 years of age and watched all three Pokémon-movies at the theatre. I cried when I watched the first one the second time at a friend's place. I also cried when I watched "Brother Bear".
- One time when I left the apartment of a one-night stand the girl said "Don't you wanna know my name?".
- I've eaten cat food.
- I'm psychic, though I don't like the fact too much, but I reckon It'll be ok once I learn how to control it. Personally I don't think of it as supernatural.
- I enjoy watching other people play computer games.
- On two occasions I've used cement mixers at construction sites as a merry-go-round. One of the times I broke into a locked cabinet to get access to a socket to hook it up.
- I do, for some strange reason, know how to spank someone properly (although it's not something I enjoy doing).
- I once fell asleep watching Slayer play live on stage.
Old Shoe
Jul-21-2007 23:10
BAM! That's what I'm talking about!
(also: hi marmalade! Nice to see your name on the boards again :))
When I was working for Greenpeace, I used to tell the people whose doors I knocked on begging for money that if they felt really passionately about it, they could give instead to a super-secret side organization called "Green Vanguard", which was more militant. Cash only, no receipts.
I'm jealous of the guys on the show 'Entourage'.
I dropped my niece when she was a baby.
I intentionally speed up when someone's trying to pass me on the highway, sometimes.
I once ate three chickens at one sitting.
I have literally sold the shirt off my back for food money.
Even though I'm probably never going to wear an earring again, every few months I do the old safety pin test to make sure I could, should the moment grab me, resume my youthful rebellious streak.
When I hear cool music in movies or commercials, I make solemn plans to look it up, then never do because I'm lazy and have the short term memory of a viagra-test rat.
I've braided Guatemalan dolls into my hair, along with countless other trinkets of early-90s hippie sophistication.
Just today, I stole three onions from my parents house (they're away on vacation).
Jim Diamond
Jul-22-2007 05:19
- Once, for no reason, I decided to see how long I could go without showering. I managed two and a half week. Then my girlfriend started complaining.
- One of the first things I did after moving to my new apartment was to lock myself outside, at about four o'clock in the morning, wearing nothing but a pair of pants, and then break into my apartment.
- I've streaked on several occassions. One of them in about four inches of snow around the block.
- I have dreamt twice that I can do a forward split.
- If I won a million dollars the first thing I'd do would be to buy a trip into space and back (they sell them at the local travel agency for about $100 000).
- Long time ago I would on occassion (not on purpose) behave like a cat and do things like wash myself several times a day, and after doing the laundry instead of folding it and putting it in the closet I poured it out in a pile on top of my bed, made a hollow in the middle and slept in it all curled up.