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Confess, ye sleuthy sinners!
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Old Shoe

Nov-16-2006 00:47

Sooo...the mighty gumshoe board feels a bit slow today. *Bob the Builder voice* Can we fix it? Yes we can!

Got a skeleton pounding on your closet? A secret in the attic? A monkey (no, not precious Bobo...and not the raging back hair you try to pass off as a Bonobo backpack either) on your back?

Let it all out, boo.

K, I'll start with a few (true) examples.

When I was 16, I robbed the house belonging to to heir of a pickle dynasty.

I used to steal Volkswagen signs to be more like one of the Beastie Boys.

I have bought more than one kind of deodorant in the same day, on the advice of a friend.

I salivate a little whenever I walk by a hot dog vendor.

I totally car-megeddoned a pigeon last month.

Sometimes, I find Bob Sagat funny.

I'm Canadian and I really don't care about hockey.

Plus, I covet my neighbor's ox every day.



Safety Officer

Nov-27-2006 18:56

lol to Maria South 'I' cried at the end of 'Pay it Forward'!

Mind you, come to think of it, all of Haley Joel Osmonds performances have brought me to tears...

Lucky Stiff

Nov-27-2006 19:12

aww SS I didn't know you were so sensitive....

I cry like a baby everytime I watch "A Walk to Remember"....damn you Mandy Moore!


Nov-28-2006 15:19

At least you don't cry all the way through Armegedon (sp). Every time i see that movie I start to cry and don't stop until the credits run.

Ms Helen
Ms Helen
Con Artist

Nov-28-2006 15:22

Hey Wynnie you're not the only one. I cry all the way through that movie as well :)

Detective Betty
Detective Betty

Nov-28-2006 20:09

My Senior year in high school, we did the play Sugar, and I stupidly wanted to try out for a smaller somewhat sub lead role, Sweet Sue. Just to have the Director, say that I would have gotten the lead if I would have tried the acting part better. We were suppose to do Grease that year but it was changed, she told me I would have definitely gotten the role of Sandy for that one.

I also had a chance to live my dream of being a singer, but I got such stage fright (when I was singing a song I wrote to a group of people) that I haven't been back on a stage to sing.

I never stole a thing in my life, I don't know why.

I have tried smoking ciggarettes and didn't like the taste.
I can't drink more than at least half a bottle of Smirnoff, at most 3 full smirnoffs lol.

I love the Nancy Drew games, RIght now I am reading the Richard Jury series by Martha Grimes, and love it.

I am a big mystery fanatic lol :D * blushing*


Nov-29-2006 15:02

Don't worry Betty I haven't stolen anything... welll..*looks both ways, leans in and whispers in your ear* I did steal my honey's heart .. put it in a safe deposit box.. shh no one knows.

I too like Nancy Drew games... it is how I found out about Sleuth.. I should kiss there feet!!

OHHHh Emma.. you come over and we will have a good cry fest!! I will make sure we have all the eccentials.... chocolate, pizza, pepsi, and lots of sappy movies. :)

Ms Helen
Ms Helen
Con Artist

Nov-29-2006 15:53

Lol Wynnie count me in on that one. You forgot one thing can't have all that without good old gossip as well :)

Safety Officer

Nov-29-2006 17:59

lol I just want to clarify that besides Pay it Forward, the tears for Haley Joel were out of sheer pain at having to watch him act... let's not confuse me with the pink fluffy bunnies of happiness, please :)

sighs... but I have been known to shed a tear during the Sound of Music.


Nov-29-2006 21:16

hee hee... sound of music is a classic... i use to watch it all the time... drove my mom nuts!! *the hills are alive.... with the sound of music*

Lucky Stiff

Nov-30-2006 05:47

ahh pink fluffy bunnies....

I still can't watch "A Christmas Story" because I get terrified everytime that kid gets his tongue stuck to the pole (weird childhood fear I guess)

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