Post Baseless Lies About the Poster Before You
Sep-21-2006 19:33
Here is a fun forum game from *cough* another online game I play. Here's how it works, post an insult, lie or jest about the person who posted in the thread before you did. I've seen people come up with some preety funny things, the sillier the better. I'll start to give an example, then feel free to sling your worst at me. :)
Replies |
Old Shoe
Jun-24-2007 00:44
^goes to black-tie events wearing only sunscreen (and is totally the hit of the party)
Cordelia Falco
Battered Shoe
Jun-24-2007 08:13
^ is famous for dancing the macarena at the annual dinner dance of the West Yorkshire Pigeon Fanciers Association wearing only a bow-tie and a diamante earring
Jun-24-2007 17:08
^writes 'for a good time call crunchpatty' in every public restroom she goes to.
Jun-24-2007 18:05
^calls crunchpatty to go with her in every public restroom she goes to. She cannot have a good time else ( I wonder why...)
Scarletta Jones
Jun-24-2007 18:49
Scandalous! ^makes those mysterious phone calls where the person who makes the call just breathes into the reciever real scary-like
Safety Officer
Jun-24-2007 19:23
^ had her telephone receiver adjusted to make all incoming calls sound breathy and 'real scary-like'.
Battered Shoe
Jun-24-2007 20:35
^ Secretes nutty cream.
Scarletta Jones
Jun-25-2007 10:35
^observed Secret Squirrel secrete ntty cream one time and liked it...a LOT
Ceres Trajan
Old Shoe
Jun-25-2007 14:18
^has been a big fan of fluffer-nutters since making this great discovery.
Brasco De Gama
Old Shoe
Jun-26-2007 07:36
^ can only pee facing north