Sleuth Home - Detective Isioni

Tough and Smart
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Detective Biography

I was given the name of a mythological troyan princess who was saved by Hercules from being given as sacrifice to a sea Monster sent by Poseidon and Apollo for the sins of her father... Why my parents had chosen to give me this peculiar greek name? I do not have the slightest idea, since the paper that the nuns found with me in the basket in front of their door stated only 3 clues: Healthy. 3 months. Isioni. That was all.
At least I managed to figure out who the hell this Isioni was. It was my first mystery, solved at the age of 9. I... took the case at the age of 7, when I was able to read and sneak out of the orphanage to go to the city library of New York. Untill I found out the derivation of my first name, I was very concerned by the fact that I had not a LAST one. Not anymore. I discover a mythical and nevertheless beautifull truth of my indentity. And hence, it is a unique name. There is no use for a last name to remember me.
After that, I became an unatural calm kid. I would rarely cry and even more rarely lose my self-control. The nuns hated me for that I guess. They were basicaly good women, but the sight of a girl that remains always unaffected by any coment, any punishement, any compliment they made was a challenge to their power. I accepted anything without a single word. Deep down, I enjoyed their frustration. I was the best and most compliant student, the most tidy, the most obedient and I never verbaly nor actively questioned their decisions, actions and beliefes. Hence, I knew, that they knew that I was already free from their fear or the fear of God they wanted to implant in me. So, when I desided to leave, I just walked in the Mother's Superiors office and announced my will: "Mother Maria, I cannot thank you enough for the charity that you showed by helding my in this Holy Place. I regret to say though that I must abandon it. In these 14 years I grew to hate the conformisme, the envy and the intorelable pietism of your narrow mind. I am leaving tommorow. If you stop me tomorrow, I will leave the day after that. If you stop me then too, I will leave the next day. I have managed to escape many times by now. So just do not bother". Mother Maria said nothing. I think it was because she turned blue, besides, I didn't stay to hear her response.
It was a foolish and childish thing to do, now I know it. I had written and memorized this little speach just to show off. I was just too lonely and sometimes, when you are young, you tend to be bitter, unfair and arrogant because of your lonelyness.
I saw Mother Maria again 7 years later, in a coffin, resting peacefuly and sure of her holiness. By then I was a poor Rookie of Bella Mafia and transfered to London. I guess I am not as tough as I thought, because I was crying like a baby all the way to NY to attend, hidden in a corner, her funeral.
I am still arrogant though. I think that's why I became a detective. I still enjoy the sense of power that comes by reavealing a truth.


Order o Socrates:  Fair(8)
Arcanum Brthrhd:  Neutral(0)
Cosa Nostra:  Neutral(0)
Eastern Triads:  Poor(-2)
Circle of Light:  Fair(7)
Green Hand:  Fair(7)
The Tea Steepers:  Great(40)
Shangri La Tigers:  Terrible(-40)


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Books Collected

The Hound of the Baskervilles
Arthur Conan Doyle

The Adventure of the Empty House
Arthur Conan Doyle

A Scandal in Bohemia
Arthur Conan Doyle

The Murders in the Rue Morgue
Edgar Allan Poe

A History of Indian Philosophy
Surendranath Dasgupta