Post Baseless Lies About the Poster Before You
Sep-21-2006 19:33
Here is a fun forum game from *cough* another online game I play. Here's how it works, post an insult, lie or jest about the person who posted in the thread before you did. I've seen people come up with some preety funny things, the sillier the better. I'll start to give an example, then feel free to sling your worst at me. :)
Replies |
Apr-20-2007 10:04
^ Arrested last week for claiming he was Doctor Who and trying to get passers-by to step into his TARDIS
Old Shoe
Apr-21-2007 01:21
^always works 'TARDIS' into her phone-booth pick-up lines. Arrested for impersonating Dr. Ho with therapeutic bracelets made from used dental braces.
Apr-21-2007 10:40
^ is absolutely not funny in any way, shape, or form, and has never made me laugh so hard that I cry. Or snarf.
Apr-21-2007 10:42
^ was tarred, feathered and run out of new york on a rail for <gasp> being polite to a tourist
Ceres Trajan
Old Shoe
Apr-21-2007 14:31
^stands with arms outstretched in front of a full-length mirror chanting "I am a beautiful butterfly" in the hopes that Jodie Foster will come a knockin'.
Apr-22-2007 02:03
^is upset cause jodie foster didnt ask him to be her babys daddy
Apr-22-2007 23:45
^is just jealous because he wasnt asked either.
Ceres Trajan
Old Shoe
Apr-23-2007 09:01
^is just jealous because she wasn't asked either.
Lucky Stiff
Apr-23-2007 09:39
^ is just jealous cuz I'm getting into Heaven before him :)
Safety Officer
Apr-25-2007 06:49
^ has used the word Heaven to describe a 2 star motel and bottle of Sambucca one too many times to be any sort of authority on the issue.