quarterly round townie deletion
mary glass
Sep-16-2006 10:24
there is a great variance between the older players and agencies
and those who came along later...a gap that perhaps is too hard
to close...might i suggest quarterly rounds where the townies are
deleted for all...the older players would still have the advantage of
money, experience points, general knowledge of the game but the
quarterly deletion of townies ( all players having to reacquire the
townie favors every 90 days ) would make the game more competitive among all players and add some challenge every 90
days for the older players...
Replies |
Sep-16-2006 13:01
yes, games have randomness. So does this one.
And for the record, I don't think it's fair to equate this "game" to any other game out there, classic or otherwise. There are thousands of board games, video games, card games, games of chance, etc.
But as far as I know, there isn't a game in the world like this one. Equating it to craps or Life is demeaning to the years of hard work Ben has put into it to make it a maverick.
If you want a game where everyone starts at zero at regular intervals, play Utopia. This is a role-playing game. To consistently lose something gained through experience is not an attribute of the genre.
R Anstett
Sep-16-2006 13:02
I think the idea of loosing a contact is a good one.
I do not think that it will do anything to affect large versus small agencies, or really change the dynamics of hunting for agencies either.
The "chaos" as Mary phrases it is not going to happen. I do not think anyone would want to have all contacts lost at once, or do anything that negates the hard work of an agency to build a good team.
I do think that the occasional loss of a contact would be good for team building however and agencies would quickly adapt to possible new stategies to accomodate those changes that happen on the fly.
Sep-16-2006 13:05
I don't disagree altogether with the concept of losing contacts, I just think that if it's ever implemented, it can be done in a much better way than Mary suggested. See my previous suggestion, for instance, or the suggestions of many who have thought the system needed some sort of change.
Bill Oakes
Sep-16-2006 13:08
If the townies were not lost simultaniously, but independantly after a certain period/case number, that would be better than losing all contacts every 90 days.
Lucky Stiff
Sep-16-2006 13:09
I wholeheartedly and respectfully disagree with this whole thing. There IS a chance for you all to compete, agency or otherwise. Its called ARCH VILLAIN HUNTING.
I dont think its selfish of anyone to want to succeed at the game and have high scores, win hunts, etc. I would submit though, that it seems incredibly lazy that someone wouldn't put in at least the level of effort to get there. (I except you from this Ran, I don't think anyone can debate that you're dedicated and work hard).
Bill Oakes
Sep-16-2006 13:14
Ooh, that hurt!
If implemented properly, in a way which people will agree with, this strategy could work well. Randomly taking away contacts would be pointless, but, as serges said, allowing people to switch contacts after a period of time, would be a good idea. A lot of people, at some point, have got a contact that they didnt want, so this would be good.
Sep-16-2006 13:19
1. There is ALREADY a lot of "dice rolling" in this game. You don't know what favor you are going to get or when, you don't know if the case will have PE that you can use your contact for, you don't know if the case will have faction rammifications, you don't know if you will get pirated on your way to the next city. We do not need to be loosing something we worked hard to get (in some cases, again, in others, is easier)
2. The implication here is that there is no way for newer detectives to win. The REALITY is that the gap is nota all "too hard to close" You will notice that after some point, it really does not make a whole lot of difference in game play of you have 3 million or 13 million xp. It is about team work and dedication!
Lucky Stiff
Sep-16-2006 13:38
Well said Andrea :)
Battered Shoe
Sep-16-2006 13:38
I guess the only thing to say is that if the game isn't chaotic enough for some people, perhaps they'd be happier playing something more up their alley.
Ms Helen
Con Artist
Sep-16-2006 13:48
Whilst I respect your idea and opinions Mary I'm afraid I completely disagree with them.
You say there is to much of a gap between older and newer detectives for them to compete well this is not true. Newer detectives and agencies can compete in treasure hunts and win especially now since so many of the older detectives are competing in Villain hunts. Newer detectives can soon build exp up as well in a good agency because most agencies put a lot of effort in to helping there new recruits do this. Also don't forget the older agencies were new at one point and had to go through the same thing of building money, exp, equipment and size up. One day the new agencies will be as big if not bigger than the older agencies.
Please don't forget either that there are many risks which both old and new detectives have to take. The risk of 3 FA's which just recently a couple of the older detectives have had to endure can cost literally eveything. Also the the risk of being pirated, several detctives have already lost lots of cases and money because of this.
To say there is too much of a gap between everyone one is completely unjust. People just need to have patience and work hard then they to will have everything an older detective has.
Sorry that I've rambled on a bit everyone but when I get on a role I find it hard to stop oops :)