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Corrupt A Wish
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Bill Oakes
Bill Oakes

Sep-15-2006 02:30

This is a very simple and fun game. The first person makes a wish, and each following person finds some way to corrupt the wish and then makes a new wish. For example:

Person 1. I wish I had a dog

Person 2. You have a dog, but it dies the day after you get it

I wish I had a muffin

Person 3: You get a muffin, but you drop it and have to throw it away.

And so on.

Your firt wish to corrupt is this:

I wish I had a new car.



Apr-4-2007 20:09

You got it! Nothing ever goes wrong, therefore you never have to solve a problem, thus losing your problem solving skills. Life is totally easy; you don't have to do ANYTHING... and so, you lose your ability to do anything - walk, talk, think, etc. Congratulations, you are now a vegetable!

I wish I would win the lottery - not a big one, just a small lottery that would pay enough for me to feel I could eat something better than Alpo in my old age.


Apr-5-2007 11:36

Jackpot. You win the smallest lottery out there, just enough to cover you for an unlimited supply of Iams 'Active Maturity' crunchy bites(they are better than Alpo arent they?)..only problem is, your teeth and gums aren't as strong as they used to be in your younger days, hence ure stuck with slurping mashed up, soggy doggy bites for as long as you live. Delicious.

I wish I had the time and money to go for the Marathon de Sables in the Sahara

Arsenio Armas
Arsenio Armas

Apr-6-2007 04:33

You have the time and money but when you got there it was cancelled

I wish I was able to rule a country

Old Shoe

Apr-8-2007 01:40

All hail the undisputed grand poobah of the fast food nation!

Too bad your minions catch on quick that your curly fries are just wilted potato skins. And good luck extracting Ronald McDonald's size 28 shoe.Ba ba ba bup bahh, you're not so much loving it as biting down on a leather wallet and gritting through like a good little soldier.

I wish I was a happy meal.

Christopher Keller
Christopher Keller

Apr-9-2007 12:59

You are a happy meal but then some fat kid gobbles you down then you're on your merry way to where the sun dont shine. And if that wasnt bad enough you get dumped into a toilet and flushed away. Eww, what's that smell!!!!

I wish I didnt have to be at work on time every morning.


Apr-9-2007 15:35

You don't. Infact, your boss is such a hard driven, iron fisted man that he makes you arrive an hour EARLIER everyday, rather than on time. Sleep? What sleep? You don't even remember what that word means.

I wish I could ride on the back of a brontosaurus

Ceres Trajan
Ceres Trajan
Old Shoe

Apr-10-2007 15:12

You get your ride on the back of a brontosaurus, unfortunately the Tyrannosaurus Rex thinks that you two greatly resemble an ice-cream sundae with a cherry on top.

I wish I could understand how women thought (while maintaining a semblance of sanity).

Old Shoe

Apr-11-2007 05:53

Sorry dude, impossible.

I wish I wouldn't have to study for my exam but still get an A+.

Lucky Stiff

Apr-11-2007 07:05

You get an A+ but that's because you cheated, you then get caught, and get forced out of school, where you're not nearly popular enough to garner a school-wide protest a la "Donna Martin Graduates!"

I wish my credit cards didn't exist.


Apr-11-2007 20:03

well they dont exist anymore, too bad that the bank has no records of you at all, nor can anybody find any records regarding you anywhere.

I wish i could fly a jet

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