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Lateral Thinking Puzzles
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Barry Grant
Barry Grant
Old Shoe

Sep-10-2006 18:25

Due to the success of the lateral puzzles in the "A riddle" thread, it seems appropriate to start a lateral thinking puzzle thread.

A rule of thumb to follow would be to allow those who do not know the answer to figure it out for themselves. If you happen to know the answer, please keep it to yourself and let the others have the fun.

Please feel free to start one at any point. It is not necessary to wait for one to finish before starting another one.

Have fun!


Bill Oakes
Bill Oakes

Sep-11-2006 08:01

is it a tape? (no)
is it a CD? (Yes)
is the CD or tape a recording of what happened on the air? (Yope)
does it reveal an affair between the DJ and a caller? (No)
does it reveal something about the driver?(Yes) his healthy? (No) his relationship(s)? the DJ? (No)
does it prove the DJ was not where she said she was, like a false alibi is proven? (Yes)

Barry Grant
Barry Grant
Old Shoe

Sep-11-2006 10:39

was the driver nervous before hearing the CD?
was it a recording of the DJ and a caller? a promo? an ad? a news report? something illegal?
was the CD in the car and that's why it skipped? or it skipped at the radio station?
if the CD was in the car, did he remove the CD to look at it first, before doing himself in?
does he realize where the DJ was now that her alibi has been proven false?
is his alibi blown?
did he commit suicide to avoid revealing something? to avoid being caught? from shame? from fear? for revenge (sick, I know)?
was he alone in the car?
any other significant people in this?

Bill Oakes
Bill Oakes

Sep-11-2006 11:37

was the driver nervous before hearing the CD? (Yes)
was it a recording of the DJ and a caller? a promo? an ad? a news report? something illegal? (All except this one)
was the CD in the car and that's why it skipped? or it skipped at the radio station? (This one, he was listening to the radio)
if the CD was in the car, did he remove the CD to look at it first, before doing himself in? (No)
does he realize where the DJ was now that her alibi has been proven false? (Yes)
is his alibi blown? (Yes)
did he commit suicide to avoid revealing something? (yesish) to avoid being caught? (Yes) from shame?(No) from fear?(No) for revenge (sick, I know)? (No)
was he alone in the car? (No)
any other significant people in this? (Yes)

Barry Grant
Barry Grant
Old Shoe

Sep-11-2006 15:12

was the driver making a getaway?
was there only one other person in the car?
was the CD a recording of the driver and his companion?
was his companion the DJ? was he the DJ?
does this revolve around an affair?
did the driver mean to kill the other passenger(s), too?
did the other(s) want to die, too?
was the recording intended to throw someone off track?

(it's confusing to me that it could be a recording of the DJ and caller and a promo and an ad and a news report unless there's something else I missed.)
would the recording mean anything to anyone else listening who was not involved with these people?

Srei Chlat
Srei Chlat
Assistant Librarian

Sep-11-2006 17:43

The driver was the DJ and supposed to be at work, but when the CD skipped then they would know the DJ wasn't there?


Sep-11-2006 18:02

the driver was the DJ, he had just commited a murder using the dj alibi. when the radio skipped he knew his alibi was blown and he would be caught, so he drove off a cliff?


Sep-12-2006 00:25

Bookem, without stepping on Bill's toes, I believe that you have figured it out! Nice work!

I suppose I'll take a stab at one now...

John Smith was born on the first day of January in 1952. He passed away on December 31st in 1972 at the ripe old age of 84. How?


Sep-12-2006 00:43

Hmm. Let me try Bill's. If the man had committed/was committing a crime, but worked for the radio station as a DJ, he would have only the time the selection played to do the deed and get back, therefore using his job as his alibi.

If the vinyl skipped, he'd realize he'd lost his alibi, which would explains his panic. (Of ourse, this would have to be an old style radio station with no security hanging around and no computerized system, but, hey, it could work...)


Sep-12-2006 00:46

Oh, whoops, I was on the wrong page and Bookem already got it. I already know the answer to the new one, so I'll let someone else have a go.


Sep-12-2006 05:16

i shall have a go:

is 1952 and 1972 the YEAR which john smith died?Could they mean something else?

is there anything abnormal about him?

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