Lateral Thinking Puzzles
Barry Grant
Old Shoe
Sep-10-2006 18:25
Due to the success of the lateral puzzles in the "A riddle" thread, it seems appropriate to start a lateral thinking puzzle thread.
A rule of thumb to follow would be to allow those who do not know the answer to figure it out for themselves. If you happen to know the answer, please keep it to yourself and let the others have the fun.
Please feel free to start one at any point. It is not necessary to wait for one to finish before starting another one.
Have fun!
Replies |
shell marple
Con Artist
Apr-23-2010 10:43
This questions is for Mr and Mrs Smith, Mr Brown and Constable Spike
"During all of this, at anytime did you happen to see Mordred "the Snake" Malatesta? ;-)
Looking taken aback they all respond at once {NO! ISN'T THAT WHY YOU ARE PAID THE BIG BUCKS? NOW GET TO WORK DETECTIVE} ; p
Heimlich VonVictor
Apr-23-2010 18:38
Mr. Smith were you inebriated on the night in question?
Mr. Brown were you sober on the night in question?
shell marple
Con Artist
Apr-23-2010 20:24
Mr. Smith were you inebriated on the night in question? {YES, VERY MUCH SO.}
Mr. Brown were you sober on the night in question?{ NO, NOT REALLY. BUT I DID HAVE LESS THAN MR. SMITH}
Cordelia Falco
Battered Shoe
Apr-26-2010 08:40
Mr Smith, did you send Mr Brown to fetch the accordion because you felt he had a better chance of retrieving it without waking your wife, due to his having consumed less alcohol?
Mr Smith, did you later in the evening manage to get home and into bed without waking your wife, so that she assumed you'd been there all along and it was you she'd had sex with?
shell marple
Con Artist
Apr-26-2010 09:00
Mr Smith, did you send Mr Brown to fetch the accordion because you felt he had a better chance of retrieving it without waking your wife, due to his having consumed less alcohol? {YES}
Mr Smith, did you later in the evening manage to get home and into bed without waking your wife, so that she assumed you'd been there all along and it was you she'd had sex with? {YES, BY THE TIME I GOT HOME I WAS MUCH BETTER AND SLIPPED INTO BED. }
shell marple
Con Artist
Apr-26-2010 12:26
"So Mr and Mrs Smith, Mr Brown is there anything else that I have missed?" ask Inspector Millet
Mr. Smith: That night, I was drinking in the local pub where I use to go now and then. My wife is not quite happy with it but she tolerates it as long as it’s not too often and I do not stay there too long. But this time, there was a very good company, including my pal â€" actually, my ex-pal â€" George Brown. I was enjoying myself and did not like the idea of having to go home so early. Around midnight, we felt like singing, and as I am quite a good accordion player, I was asked to bring my accordion and play a few songs. I was aware, however, that I had promised my wife to return before midnight, but on the other hand, I knew she usually goes to bed early and would probably already be fast asleep. I thought that if I am able to sneak in silently enough not to wake her there would be no harm done and I would be able to tell her in the morning that I returned in time. However, as I’ve said, I was so intoxicated that I was not able to walk properly, let alone to act with sufficient stealth not to wake her. I therefore asked George Brown, who was a bit soberer than me, to go to my house and bring me the accordion. I gave him the key and detailed instructions where to find it.
It took him quite a lot of time to return, but he explained that it was very difficult to go around in my house in complete darkness and that he moreover had to act with extreme caution not to wake my wife. I came home about four o’clock. My wife was sleeping, so I went happily to bed and fell asleep almost immediately . In the morning, my wife was very affectionate, kissed me and told me how much great I was when I returned from the pub, and that she had the time of her life. I immediately realized what had happened, I punched her in the eye, and ran out of the house to find Brown and tear him into pieces.
shell marple
Con Artist
Apr-26-2010 12:27
Mr. Brown: As John... that is, Mr.Smith... told you, we were drinking in the pub in a pleasant company. When he sent me to bring him his accordion, he described me how to get it â€" actually, it was in their bedroom under the bed - and besought me not to wake his wife. I unlocked the door with the key he gave me, and I went to the bedroom. Mrs. Smith was already sound asleep, and while I was trying to dig out the accordion from under the bed, I did not resist the temptation and caressed her bare skin. I was quite drunk myself, y‘know. She was so warm and soft... and when I touched her, she half-awoke and said: “John, darling, you’re already home?“ and embraced me. I must confess that I’ve lost my head. I did not say anything, but I..... well....I profited from the chance.
When all was over, Mrs. Smith fell asleep again, I took my pants and the accordion, and went back to the pub. I sobered a little bit and started to be afraid, but managed to find an excuse for John.
The next morning, John came to find me and nearly killed me.
shell marple
Con Artist
Apr-26-2010 12:29
Mrs. Smith: Yesterday night, John told me that he was going to go to the local pub, but that he would not drink much and would return before midnight. As he went there for the last time almost three weeks ago, I did not say anything, a wife has to be tolerant, hasn’t she, even if she does not approve. I then went to sleep around 10:30 pm, as I usually do.
When I woke up, somebody was touching me. Naturally, I thought it was John returning from the pub. We usually sleep with drawn curtains, so there was pitch dark. I was still half-asleep but felt happy that John had kept his promise and returned soon. I had no reason to think the man was not John, although when I look back, there were some inconsistencies .... We then... well, we made love, and I can’t deny I liked it (Sorry, Johnny, darling.) In the morning, I told John how much I loved it, but he, instead of kissing me or something along the line, he punched me right in the eye and ran away. I realized that something was wrong, then remembered the odd details from the previous night, and, as confused as I was, I ran to the police station to report a rape.
"I suggest we lock up Mr. Smith on charges of assault, Mr. Brown on charges of rape, and Mrs. Smith on charges of adultery.
Constable Spike, will you see to it that the prisoners don't attempt to kill each other, or me for that matter?"
However, and with your permission, Sir: I think perhaps it would be worth reassessing the adultery charge (as Mrs. Smith was acting in good faith and was not aware she was not having an intercourse with her husband. Moreover, adultery is - unfortunately - not a crime). I dare to suggest we let her go, or she might sue us.
And in relation to Mr Brown, I am not sure whether we can charge him with rape, as the sex was consensual. I would rather suggest, with your permission, to charge him with fraud.
And I am willingly going to lock up Mr. Smith.
Sir, may I express my deep admiration of your skills and intuition. You are a genius! I am very happy to have the opportunity to work with you and to learn from
shell marple
Con Artist
Apr-26-2010 12:33
I hope everyone enjoyed this. Now I must thank http://www.lateralpuzzles.com/cgi-bin/discus/discus.cgi where I found this little gem.
Cordelia Falco
Battered Shoe
Apr-27-2010 06:33
Thanks, Shell for stretching our brains! Much appreciated :)
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