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Lateral Thinking Puzzles
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Barry Grant
Barry Grant
Old Shoe

Sep-10-2006 18:25

Due to the success of the lateral puzzles in the "A riddle" thread, it seems appropriate to start a lateral thinking puzzle thread.

A rule of thumb to follow would be to allow those who do not know the answer to figure it out for themselves. If you happen to know the answer, please keep it to yourself and let the others have the fun.

Please feel free to start one at any point. It is not necessary to wait for one to finish before starting another one.

Have fun!


Barry Grant
Barry Grant
Old Shoe

Sep-10-2006 18:30

Here's a tough one:

Bob comes home at 4am from a night of heavy partying. He is very tired and gets into bed right away. A few minutes later he gets up and looks up the number for a "Mr. Larry Sullivan" in the phone book. He makes the call and a woman answers:


Bob responds: "Hello. May I speak to Larry Sullivan, please."

The woman says "Hold on."

Bob waits long enough to hear her go off and wake Larry up. He then hands up.


I await your yes and no questions. Good luck!

*tips hat*


Sep-10-2006 18:36

I'll get the ball rolling...

Did Bob know Larry? Heard of Larry?

Did Bob reach the person he was trying to call on the phone?

Is the woman in this story relevant? Wife? Mother? Other family member?

Is 4 A.M. relevant? If so, would this story work sometime before 4? After 4? During the day?

Is the fact that Larry was sleeping relevant?

Geographic location relevant? Timeframe? Culture?

Are there any other relevant people in this story?

Was Bob interested in speaking to Larry? The woman? Or more interested in something else about the call?

Barry Grant
Barry Grant
Old Shoe

Sep-10-2006 19:18

Did Bob know Larry? [No] Heard of Larry? [Yes]

Did Bob reach the person he was trying to call on the phone? [For the most part]

Is the woman in this story relevant? Wife? Mother? Other family member? [Not really, but for argument sake, let's say she's his wife.]

Is 4 A.M. relevant? If so, would this story work sometime before 4? After 4? During the day? [The time is not particularly relevant except to convey the weariness of Bob.]

Is the fact that Larry was sleeping relevant? [Yes]

Geographic location relevant? [Yesish] Timeframe? [No] Culture? [No]

Are there any other relevant people in this story? [No]

Was Bob interested in speaking to Larry? [No] The woman? [No] Or more interested in something else about the call? [Yes]


Sep-10-2006 19:25

Was he most interested in waking up Larry? Confirming the existence of Larry? Confirming the phone number? Confirming something else about Larry?

Would this story work equally well anywhere in the world (with appropriate elements, of course)?

Is there a factual aspect to this story at all?

Is Bob's tiredness relevant? The night of partying?

Had Bob and Larry ever met?

Did Bob have to look up Larry's phone number in order to call him? Was Larry well-known? Occupations of either man relevant?

Did Bob and Larry have something unique and relevant in common?

Old Shoe

Sep-10-2006 21:02

Did Bob have an item of Larry's ?
Did Bob go to sleep in his own bed?
Is it important for Bob to get Larry to the phone, even if he doesnt want to speak to him


Sep-10-2006 22:13

was Larry the neighbor? Was he snoring, prohibiting Bob to sleep? Bob called Larry and the wife answered the phone- he asked for Larry so he would wake him up- stopping his snoring.when the wife woke Larry up, stopping him from snoring, Bob went to sleep.


Sep-10-2006 22:18

correction-so ' the wife' would wake him up


Sep-10-2006 22:35

correction-so ' the wife' would wake him up


Sep-10-2006 22:37

oh i know this one..but it seems that someone beat me to it :(

Bill Oakes
Bill Oakes

Sep-11-2006 02:06

Ok I have one. I think its quite easy but if you do know the answer please let others try to guess it.

A man is driving a car, he is very nervous, the radio skips and he drives off the cliff.


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