^<V Game!
Agent Andrew
Sep-3-2006 01:42
The rules are quite simple...
^ Say something about the previous sleuth.
< Say something about yourself.
V Make a prediction about the next sleuth.
Replies |
Aug-24-2007 21:36
^ went for the predictable crush
< had a mad crush on Dustin Nguyen
v has a mad crush on cocktail weenies
Gopher to the Sleuth Gods
Aug-27-2007 14:57
^thinks sleuthers may be capable of writing haiku
<is looking in pharmacies fro "Robrain" to rejuvinate brain cells
v wishes I would just go away
Scarletta Jones
Aug-27-2007 16:02
^still can't find that Robrain
<doesn't wish Sphie would go away
vhas the last remaining supply of Robrain! I shall get you!
Sleuth About Town
Aug-27-2007 18:27
^ has a very cool sleuth name
< is looking forward to sleuthcon II, (should be a blast)
v likes playing sleuth enough to post here
Battered Shoe
Sep-4-2007 17:36
^ Plans to caravan to Sleuthcon II
< Brick house!
v Is singing some Van Morrison.
Sep-4-2007 21:03
^ is a Brown-Eyed Girl
< is not a Brown-Eyed Girl
v took several days off from work to watch a first-to-last-episode runthrough of 'The Young Ones'
Talianna Periwinkle
Sep-6-2007 14:24
^ Has an avatar that goes well with her name :D
< wants to take a nap
v Secretly watches "I Love Lucy" reruns even though he/she would never admit it
Gopher to the Sleuth Gods
Sep-7-2007 14:53
^ naps because people with hi IQ's get bored easily
< loves Lucy's Vitameatavegimin episode
v watches recordings of child birth in backward play
Old Shoe
Sep-8-2007 01:08
^has some 'splainin' to do
< won't apologize for his fondness for ye olde retreating placenta
v hates playing Trivia games in bars
Talianna Periwinkle
Sep-8-2007 19:03
^ Also has some explaining to do (placentas? Fondness!?)
< Doesn't go to bars (and probably wouldn't want to play Trivia games in a bar anyways...)
v wishes she/he had telekinisis