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Agent Andrew
Agent Andrew

Sep-3-2006 01:42

The rules are quite simple...

^ Say something about the previous sleuth.
< Say something about yourself.
V Make a prediction about the next sleuth.


Gopher to the Sleuth Gods

Sep-11-2007 00:14

^Runs turtle fight gaming in her home

<Arguing with local cable cable co. for 2 years to get telekinisis channel

v smuggles mexican beer and tacos into Alcapolco

Old Shoe

Sep-11-2007 00:43

^ telekinisis channel is all in her mind
< has a herd of drunk, farting Alpacas angry at him over a simple typo
v is a benchwarmer in a competitive 'Simon Says' league


Sep-13-2007 21:41

^ prepping for his next run over Niagara Falls (in a barrel of course) because Simon Said to

< suffering through another food craving (no, not spaghetti this time)

v wears neon yellow toenail polish

Sleuth About Town

Sep-14-2007 16:56

( You weren't supposed to tell Anni)

^ likes dressing up in police woman clothes and singing to Village People
8 track tapes.

< likes watching Annika try to spell YMCA with her arms after a couple of cocktails.

v carries hard- boiled eggs in his/her pocket for a snack

Charlotte Montgomery
Charlotte Montgomery

Sep-14-2007 17:40

^Knows I like hard-boiled eggs

<Does not like them in her pockets :)

v will be a sleuth more experienced than me.

Arabella Parker
Arabella Parker

Sep-14-2007 23:50

^ will become experienced

< should play more and be farther than is

v wishes they knew Secret #1

Gopher to the Sleuth Gods

Sep-19-2007 08:08

^ knows Secret #1, it's her favorite deodorant

< can't keep any secrets

v is going to tell me a secret anyway

Lady Ruby Caplan
Lady Ruby Caplan

Sep-19-2007 13:16

^ arrr, dat be true, ye beautiful siren of da sea who sink a few boats and made a few ol' sea dogs tell ye wharrrree the treasurrrre arrrre.

> really should have read the website on "How to talk like a Pirate" that she posted a few days ago.

v arrrnn experienced sea dog, that one be.

(I sound more like Yoda on Meth than a priate!)

Gopher to the Sleuth Gods

Sep-20-2007 06:57

^ really meant to say methodical thinking is good, thats why we sleuth!

< loves methodical and logical thinking. Loves Sleuth.

v will not carry on absurd and destructive pro-drug theme.


Sep-20-2007 10:10

^ummm... looks pretty
<LOVES sleuth, doesn't do drugs, and LOVES to caht with ppl
V will be sweet and likes to blush!! LoL

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