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Who else is Not subscribed?
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Celia Scarlet
Celia Scarlet

Jul-6-2006 16:33

I'm not subscribed,but just to see that i'm not alone.
Who else is Not subscribed?



Dec-19-2007 20:25

But, I am supposed to get my scollarship anytime now. It's known to be late, but I will get it as late as March and then I will be able to afford the game. Still, I have no certain way ot getting a subscription. The solutions I have been offered were to send my letter using a bank, or re-routing the money to smo in another country and ask him to pay for me instead.

Both were unusefull so far, but still I thank the person who offered them (I forgot who it was). It's a start though. Keep'em comming.

Honey Op
Honey Op

Dec-19-2007 21:38

You know I always wondered if, instead of sending money, a person could send someone something unique and interesting from where she or he is from and in exchange they would give you a gift subscription...

Gopher to the Sleuth Gods

Dec-19-2007 22:00

Honey, you can't leave New York without a subscribtion.

Old Shoe

Dec-19-2007 23:27

Two things. Actually, three.

Squirrel, it's working. I swear to god I just saw a red-vested Michael J. Fox drive by in a souped up Delorean blasting Huey Lewis (ugh, and The News, too). Now I need a new drug.

Laura V: The boards need more Gloria Anzaldua. You are this bridge called my back:) I'd say more about this but my bridge is itchy.

Balthaak: Anyone worth a scholarship should understand at least something about economies of scale and the nature of capitalism. Sleuth is a smaller site than some of the other game sites out there. A smaller paying client base means smaller freebies to people who don't want to/cannot pay. Offering more content to people who don't pay also potentially puts stress on servers, which are expensive, which cuts down on satisfaction for people who pay as well as people who don't. What you are suggesting is that the people who run the site should lessen the quality for proven paying customers in the hopes that many more people will sign up only to find themselves disappointed with the product. Which is sort of like giving away really really good free crack until the people are addicted, then selling them baby powder that still smells like breast milk.

It's simple. Sleuth exists as part of a capitalist economy. Capitalism doesn't care if you can't pay, or why. Which you MUST understand, because earlier you said:

"I'm fully aware of the situation about the people starving. Anyway, I's not mainly up to me to take care for it in the first place."

I'm sorry you're hungry for more Sleuth than you can afford, but as you said, it's not really anyone else's problem. You post because you want someone else to make it their problem in the same breath as you say that other people's problems are not yours. You contradict yourself by insulting people for not understanding, but then saying that there's no way that they ever COULD understand. If they couldn't, why would they? Why even speak if that's how you feel?

Good luck at school.

Old Shoe

Dec-20-2007 10:05

Heh, crunch has it right.

Lucky Stiff

Dec-20-2007 11:31


I'm just....ehhh.

Balthaak, I'd love to see you justify why you think us paying subscribers should be worse off in order to make your life easier, when you've already attested that you could care less about other people :)

Leddie is a very valuable member of this community who was simply trying to give you some perspective. Perhaps you should spend more time learning to adapt to other cultures and less time judging us for living in a different one.

Lady Emerald Devon
Lady Emerald Devon

Dec-21-2007 18:16

Great lovers subscribe.

Lucky Stiff

Dec-21-2007 20:41

*subscribes multiple times*

Old Shoe

Dec-22-2007 15:39

If you would in any way have a good feeling inside of you when you make use of all the good work that have been put in to make Sleuth what it is, you will have to subscribe.
Yes, it's true that unsubbed get some of the good crumbles that fall of the table of the rich (i.e. paying) people, but if you ever would like to come to the table and eat without living in fear of being thrown away from the goodies, you just need to subscribe.
I never regreted that I chose to subscribe. I have even subscribed multiple times. It would be wonderful if that would make me a good lover... ;-)


Dec-22-2007 19:20

[A smaller paying client base means smaller freebies to people who don't want to/cannot pay.]

I have to say, this makes sense. I only guess you're right. Never thought of that this way.

Again, sorry if smo got insulted, it just pisses you off when you can't do whatever all the other people can just because you come from a certain country. That's all.

I am gratefull to the person who subbed me. I really have no idea who did it, but I will be glad to give anything in return. Anything I can do to help.

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